Living Things - SONG No 12 is MISSING!

As a side note, the music industry is complete bs with there nonsense and procedures, that is why it is struggling right now.

What kinda deadline was that with the track listing and art work, with something like iTunes this could be changed almost the night before if they really wanted too.

Newspapers get printed and distributed all over the world, cd artwork can be made closer to the release. It’s just all tradition and red tape and complete nonsense.

No wonder the industry is suffering, it’s run by dinosaurs.

It must be a mistake. I don’t want to try to solve more puzzles, riddles, whatever… D:

You might be right. i dont think its a mistake because its in the lyric book too.

omg! That info made my day!


They are trolling us - like always sigh

If someone gets picked for a M&G, ask them. If I get picked thats what im doing

I asked them a question in Twitter.
But they did not answer 3 times either :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it was a practical joke just to confuse us all so we would make a forum and start discussing it and a year later they’ll still be laughing at us because we still haven’t figured it out. Best joke ever.

[quote=RyanTaylor]Maybe it was a practical joke just to confuse us all so we would make a forum and start discussing it and a year later they’ll still be laughing at us because we still haven’t figured it out. Best joke ever.

Lol love the hands held high reference… yeah i think it was just to mess with us and our rationality… when Linkin Park meant that this album was more about people and relationships, this was a perfect example of contradicting our assumptions that everything has to be sequential…

Either that or this whole 13 dot thing was a major error… :expressionless:


Maybe comes a surprise, or no! Hahahaha!