to a brand new platform (CLOSED)

It’s not an app, it’s Fullscreen Direct’s hub-like site:

If you can manage to navigate it correctly, you can see the stuff. I’m still learning how to use it

so is it worth that I (as computer. idiot) give it a try? What do you think about it so far? :curious:
edit or better: what is the diffrence to now surving mobile?@jfar920

I don’t really think it’s worth anyone giving it a try to be honest. I was just being nosy and wanted to see what Fullscreen Direct has to offer. When it comes to mobile browsing, I don’t think it’s going to be any more helpful than the main site

ok,so thanx for your oppinion, it would help a lot not wasting my time, :slight_smile: have a good night… and “Rhode island dreams”:smile:

What’s there to do on that site?

I thought about that but I don’t have a screenshot or anything of it. I just think it’s odd the HQ is not dealing with LPU related problems anymore since they have all our info and FD does with little to no info at all. Plus, their replies are slooooow, still better than WU who never replied though :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Completely out of the blue, my LPU membership is back.

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^ this is what I endure aswell while trying to login and even after emailing the fullscreen guys :confused:

That wasn’t a picture (well I guess it is now) of the old site, I had the old site open last night

Oh, I didn’t know I could open the old one.

That why I said I know a way that might work :stuck_out_tongue:

When I first posted it though it was only a work around that kept redirecting me to the new site, but I found a way to load the entire old site just in case where you get the old site doesn’t work:

404 Page Not Found
Contact Support

It looks like this page doesn’t exist. Don’t worry, there are some pages that do exist! Head back to the homepage to check’em out.

Contact Support

Interesting, I might ask you for some help if I need it. Although now that my membership is back I highly doubt support will reply back to my mail :stuck_out_tongue:

We are working to get everyone back up and running as soon as possible!

Happy you are back up and running!

The old purchase history won’t show up on the new platform. Once you make purchases on the new system you will see order history.

You won’t be able to access the old site once we are 100% sure things are all up and running. Thanks!

Not to make it sound like I found something super hidden because I found it by accident, but it’s kinda obvious it wouldn’t be just going to the old URL

Why do I keep getting a 429 error when I post?

I also got this one when I tried to refresh.

while surving a while all alone here, I must confess that the surface of our lpu lost a lot of charme and it is appearing kinda much too clean, like a hospital, no colours, only slight peach powdercolor, like not to anoy noone…don’t get me wrong, but if we weren’t such a great bunch here at the forum, this site had nothing special to offer till 12/15 and the benefit to be a lpu-member in relation to be in “contact” with the band is 0, so hopefully they get the new album ready soon and give a big hug at their brave soldiers and bring up some cookies for the lpu (you ask for feedback, here you are @lpuhq1)

I had a lot of problems with bringing my account to the new platform. First of all, I recieved the message and followed the instructions but when I tried to reset my password, I always got an error message “No user with that email address was found”. Yesterday I contacted the support and they told me that my previously used LPU membership was not captured by their system with the recent site change. I should register again, send them a proof that I paid for my LPU 15 membership and then they will update my account. Wtf?! I want my old account back! What about all my friends and bonus points I collected? @lpuhq1

Is there somebody else who has/had this problem?