to a brand new platform (CLOSED)

@theearlywalker is your full LPU membership back? Like, do you have access again to everything LPU?

Surely not checked all but as far as I see, yes… Emailed both yesterday, the hq and the new Site host ( dunnow how they call right now…) this morn it was fixed :smiley:

Ok, I’ll wait till Monday to mail the HQ. Support hasn’t replied back to me yet.

But it seems That Lorenzo is busy with lpu stuff and in hq himself…he was on here with us, also I guess they have Support from the Host at the Email-Traffic these days…why loosing Time? Omo :smiley:

It’ll be 2 weeks on Saturday so, I will wait and see if it will be resolved by then. Otherwise I will email Lorenzo since support doesn’t seem to reply or do anything about it.

lpu membership update: on mainpage lost again…but it seem to be near a solution… .:eyes: …hahaha

What’s odd is that while I have access to a couple of LPU threads here and the LPU store on the main site, I don’t have access to music and videos and blogs. It’s kind of a mess :stuck_out_tongue: I hope it’s fixed soon.

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Email me your expiration date from your old LPU account. -Lorenzo

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Done…:grinning:so nice to have you guys here,showing us #wearelpu !!!

Hi guys how’s your memberships? I still have this at my account

What’s wrong with it?

I should have “LPU Member” sign?

Oh that. Yeah, contact support, they’ll fix it. :wink:

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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Ok, something must be wrong with the site big time.

Lorenzo added my LPU membership back last night, it was fine this morning and now it’s gone again. I don’t know what’s happening at this point.

What’s happening is that I get to be a smug arse because I was right :stuck_out_tongue: :smirk:

you were, no need to be proud on it anyways…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@evooba same here that day…

Thanks for your e-mail!

We are on it!

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@lpuhq1 what has happened to all the meet & greet photos ? there is only one set from 2015 and there all from the one country where are all other photos gone from past meet & greets ???

nope its not this new platform is rubbish waste of time see meet & greet photos have now gone what happened to those only one set from 2015 is that a good thing I think it sucks meet & greet photos are not there anymore site gets worse every day no improvements that I can see