Linkin Park @ Ziggo Dome Amsterdam 20/06/2017

Be going as well! Im an old fart, so i will be seating front row in 111 :slight_smile:
Will be my 3d time! Also waiting for the M&G so gotta be patient as well haha!

I’ll be there too , last time I was in the standing section, and didn’t see much haha , but this time I’m in section 111 , whoop , can’t wait , I hope everyone has a great time June 20 :slight_smile:

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111 is a pretty cool spot if you are interested in watching the individual musicians. I did that last year at a concert.

I have seats for front row in 105. Not because I’m old, but I don’t like standing on my toes to see something.

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It’s my first LP concert too. Meet & greet would awesome. I come from Germany to Amsterdam. Is closer than Berlin for me. I’m glad. Unfortunately, I drive alone. My partner has left. Now have a card left. Fals someone still needs a card.

Hey guys,

I have seen LP at Pinkpop in 2007 and this will be my first reall concert of them.
Me and my mom just really love their music.

And as a birthday suprise i bought my mom 2 tickets to this concert.
So i will be going with my mom.
She was to tears that she is going to see them live for once in her life. A Meet & Greet would really blow her mind.
She just turned 58.

Really looking forward to go >_<

I also saw them in 2014, I had a seat somewhere in the corner. Pretty excited to have a place somewhere on the floor, I hope I can manage to make my way to the fence. Pretty excited!!

are there no front of stage tickets available for this concert ?

Weet iemand al iets over de meet en Greet?

Meet & Greets are not available via LPU at this time. You could try checking this part of the site every now and then to see if this changes anytime soon:

You could always try contacting Lorenzo from LPU HQ, via twitter: @Lorenzoerr

Nou, lekker dan… zonde van mijn $10 als dat niet meer doorgaat. Vroeger had de LPU zo veel andere voordelen voor betalende leden, alleen als die M&Gs niet doorgaan, vind ik dat toch wel heel magertjes. :confused: Ik heb vroeger geluk gehad, maar er zijn nog zo veel fans die speciaal daarvoor sparen en lid worden. Het zou me ook niets meer verbazen. Ik houd moed, maar het zou wel erg laat zijn, zelfs voor Linkin Park hun doen.

Would love to go with my daughter but unfortunally being a single mom i cant afford a ticket.

That show was also my first and so awesome!

Thats a good spot indeed!

Why am I only now seeing this thread? haha
I’ll be there too! My second LP show after Amsterdam 2014 :smile:

I’ll be there too :slight_smile: i’m in 102 (i’m not that tall so it’d be nice to see something haha)
it will be my first LP show…fan since 2002 but finally i’ve got the time, money and opportunity to go and see them xD
… and I will be at Rock Werchter a few days later aswell :stuck_out_tongue:

Just 1 more month to gooo :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Aaaaaaawwwww yyyeeeaaahhhh

SO EXCITED :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: <WTF why are you asking me to tone it down you darned bitches?>

Heb lorenzoerr een berichtje gedaan. Helaas nog niks terug. Blijven hopen op meet en greet.