Learning Spanish

@lpfan61 It is a situation that only served to divide us and deal each other…

@ironsoldier16 it is difficult to explain in english bit it is bad situation… I think this can explain.

(The referéndum wars illegal)You have more news on Twitter

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@ironsoldier16 @lpfan61 But thank you so much!! I’m sorry if it sounds rude… it is so stressfull… but I love you all as I always said


I understand you, We can use the Latin American Users’ thread if you want and a litte of time yet…


Aww…we’re here if you want support…don’t feel alone! :hugs: :hugs:


Hi everybody! In reply to the last spanish lessons.

Verb to be ( ser)

                                  Past     /   present      /   Future

vosotros/as erais / sois / seréis

Verb to be (ser)

vosotros/as fuisteis / sois / seréis

Verb to be (estar)

vosotros/as estuvisteis / estáis / estarán


The second conjugation of verb to be is more use for verb to go as @ironsoldier16 said


Thanks!I’ll add it… :rofl:

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Good! :clap::clap::clap::kissing_heart:

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Tomorrow…night here…like for you… :smile:

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Yees! I’m tired but I’m watching a serie!:laughing:

Jajaja :rofl: enjoy your relax time! :wink:

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Thank you @merydiaz.

I was thinking in a short test in the next 2 weeks. What do you think? I do or not.


I think we could do it… :muscle:


@ironsoldier16 it’s a good idea. They can show us how much have learnt :wink::wink:


Ok. I’ll prepare it and I guess it will be ready for October 16th. (It’s on Monday.)


Woah! We have a date! :crazy_face:
Have we to be anxious in the meantime?? :sweat_smile: :nerd_face:

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Relax! My tests always are so easy :wink:


Nice! :rofl: :relaxed:


It has been a long time since the last class. In theory, we have a short test soon, but I need to give you some themes first.

Until now, we have been seen:

The alphabeth.

The syllabes.

The numbers until 100.

How to write them.

The verb to be (ser o estar)

Grammatical Person.
Grammatical Gender.
Grammatical Number.
Grammatical Time.

I’d want to advance until: Animals I (Vocabularies) and Adjetives (Grammar) before pass a test.
We will see some themes today because I won’t be able in the night.



  1. We are just going to see the Formal Ways.
  2. The use of each one is the same that in your contry.
  3. You can use them in singular or plural.
  4. The better would be use them in singular if you’re talking about one day.
  5. The “Hola” is used in any moment of the day.

The ways to greet are:

  • Good morning!= ¡Buen día! ¡Buenos días!
  • Good afternoon= ¡Buena tarde! ¡Buenas tardes!
  • Good night= ¡Buena noche! ¡Buenas noches!
  • Hi/Hello= ¡Hola!


  1. The use is the same. Just the names change.

O’clock= En punto.
Quater= Cuarto (15 minutes.)
Half=Media (30 minutes.)
Quater to= Un cuarto para.
A quater to= Las menos cuarto.


We have defined or determined, and indefinite or indeterminate.
We have a neutral one called: “lo.”
They must coincide with the gender and the number.

How to use them correctly?

  • It comes firts that the noun.
  • It gives more information.


  • Singular= one thing, person, animal.
  • Plural= Two or more persons, animals or things.


  1. The key.= La llave.

The= Determined article, female, singular.
La= Artículo determinado, femenino, singular.

Key= Common noun, female, singular.
llave= Sustantivo común, femenino, singular.

  1. A book= Un cuaderno.

A= Determined article, male, singular.
Un= Artículo determinado, masculino, singular.

book= Common noun, masculine, singular.
Cuaderno= Sustantivo común, masculino, singular.

As you can see all the words coincide.
Here is an exercise:
I will give 25 nouns. You just have to write the corresponding article.
I will leave the word in English and its translation.
It’s not necessary to do it as the example. I did like that for you to see how the words must match.
You must use both types or articles.

0.) Bleach= playa.
In this case the answer is: “La playa. Una playa.” Because we are talking about one beach and it’s a female word.

  1. bee=abeja.
  2. kiss=beso.
  3. coffee=café.
  4. day=día.
  5. elephant=elefante.
  6. rifle=fusil.
  7. cat=gato.
  8. sheet=hoja.
  9. iguana=iguana.
  10. Jelly=jalea.
  11. kilometers= kilómetros.
  12. lion=león.
  13. butter=mantequilla.
  14. knots=nudos.
  15. teddies=osas.
  16. words=palabras.
  17. cheese=queso.
  18. mice=ratones.
  19. sun=sol.
  20. tomatoes=tomates.
  21. grapes=uvas.
  22. cow=vaca.
  23. xilophone=xilófono.
  24. yachts=yates.
  25. fox=zorro.

As always, if you a question leave it here and I -or some of my auxiliaries- will ask you as soon as we can.


I’m annoyed that I can’t follow this thread as well as I can since I’ve got to deal with engineering first :confused: My sister does Spanish in high school and last year she got 100% on her exam apparently.