Latinamerican Users!

@lpfan61 are you italian?

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Who is Italian? Iā€™m confused jajajajaja


Yes! Iā€™m Italian! :smile: sorry if I made you confusedā€¦ jajaja :grin:

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Haha, itā€™s fine :smile:
Ciao ragazza, come va?

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Hey! Do you understand my language?? :smile: :blush: ciao!


I know how to pronounce the words, and I can understand some things, but I canā€™t really talk haha, wish I could.
Iā€™m a singer and where I study I have argentinian, spanish, italian, german and french songs, so they teach me the pronunciation of each language, the diction, not the language itself


Understood!so nice! :smile: as soon as I can Iā€™ll try to talk in your languageā€¦ :grin:

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Ciao @lpfan61 come ti chiami?

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Whoa!tu mi capisci! (You understand me!) Scusami tanto, ma preferisco non dire il mio vero nome quiā€¦ :sweat_smile: (so sorry, but I prefer to not say my real name hereā€¦) itā€™s not for you, itā€™s that I donā€™t know who can read these postsā€¦

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Estoy de acuerdo XD.

The same for you, sister. Someday Iā€™ll learn Italian too.

I respect that.

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Hola! ( written right??) Gracias! :blush:


Ā”SĆ­! Ā”Bien hecho!

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Hecho = said??? :thinking:

EDIT: searched on googleā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Written perfectly!

Same here, all I really know are i colori, i giorni della settimana, i mesi dellā€™anno, i numeri (1-20), le stagioni dellā€™anno :grin:


Done. Well done! hehe

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Very good! You know more than me in spanishā€¦ :rofl:

:blush: :hugs:

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All thanks to my teacher and my grandma :wink: But thatā€™s not really usefull if you canā€™t form a sentence hehe


Same hereā€¦ donā€™t know grammatical rules, the spelling etcā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Itā€™s ok! Iā€™d said because is weird for me say " @lpfan61 " but itā€™s ok, no problem. Capisco solo la scrittura e poco jajaja

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Ā”Gracias! :blush: :hugs:

No problem! Jajaja :smile:

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