Jimmy Kimmel Live!

maaaan, what a show! although they played a couple of songs twice, i was very pleased with the concert and had a good time!

BUT! can i just say…put away your goddamn cell phones! be in the moment, people! i understand it wasn’t a full show and whatever, but man, this was one of the worst crowds i’ve been in for LP.

no one was jumping around or anything, everyone was too focused trying to get a good video of whatever. and that’s cool, but don’t be that 7’12’’ dude in the front barely even moving blocking peoples view. just chill in the back and record. chances are you’ll get better audio that way anyway.

what i’m trying to say is…try to just take a few pictures when things are kind of calm, but when the chorus or break down hits, please, don’t just stand there doing nothing or recording. you make people like me who jump around and scream look like an a-hole. i even heard some person behind me say “why is this guy jumping? chester’s not even jumping.” …seriously. what?

again, i get it. it wasn’t a full concert and they played a few songs twice…but man, it felt dead out there tonight.

how many songs did they play :slight_smile: !

they played 6…i think. they played (if my memory serves me correctly):

Burn it Down (x2)
Lies, Greed, Misery
New Divide (x2)
What I’ve Done

in that order. someone can correct my if i’m wrong…

so cool!

It was awesome! lol i know some people were just filming and tall people were covering our views but it was still alot of fun =]

Yeah, dang people behind me was so intent on taking a video and pics they kept hitting me in the head, so annoying! Otherwise, the band was great and jimmy kimmel v funny and nice.

Agreed! I personally wouldn’t record anything, since it was gonna be aired anyways lol I mean I’d rather be in the moment and watch the pro-shot performances on YT later.

loloh well what can you do,this time i was intront ofa girl shorted than me. Igot VERY luck, Anyhow I LOVED IT IT WAS SOOOO AMAZING!!! LOVE LPPPPSOOO MUCHHHHHH I Just wanna Thank Those COol PEOPLE THAT lET ME Stay in line and LPU for Giving us +1 Passes

What a FUN time and I LOVE Lies, Greed, Misery - SO glad they played that one…did you hear me scream “play it again”… those boys are AMAZING!! Ya there were alot of arms blocking my view, too, holding cameras and taking video…im guilty of snapping a few photos myself…butttt i was jumping around, and had a great time - i get what you’re saying though - everyone could have jumped a bit more and put down the cameras totally, they want memories i guess…i’ve never taken photos at a show before, and they came out like crap anyhow, so that was a waste - i noticed everyone doing it at HOB. Anyhow…I love LP so much - how great to get these free shows and what a COOL new album! Thanks LP we love you so much!!! Keep rockin! :slight_smile: And thanks Denisse…was so great meeting you there!

Quick question, did they record the songs twice for TV purposes?

Loved it, i didnt sign up to get tix from LPU but i was able to get some today from 1iota.com Great show and i also noticed that it was dead, it felt like the majority of the people just went for a free show and werent even fans of LP, they just went to get out of their homes. In our section it felt like there was only a handful of us singing and knowing all the lyrics, and oh those cameras, can we just take 5-8 good pictures and get on with the show, no need to take pictures of everything. Was dissapointed with the lack of energy but that wasnt going to stop me from rocking out with LP, got Mike and Chester to sign my Living Things cover booklet =)

[quote=Dleodonuts]maaaan, what a show! although they played a couple of songs twice, i was very pleased with the concert and had a good time!

BUT! can i just say…put away your goddamn cell phones! be in the moment, people! i understand it wasn’t a full show and whatever, but man, this was one of the worst crowds i’ve been in for LP.

no one was jumping around or anything, everyone was too focused trying to get a good video of whatever. and that’s cool, but don’t be that 7’12’’ dude in the front barely even moving blocking peoples view. just chill in the back and record. chances are you’ll get better audio that way anyway.

what i’m trying to say is…try to just take a few pictures when things are kind of calm, but when the chorus or break down hits, please, don’t just stand there doing nothing or recording. you make people like me who jump around and scream look like an a-hole. i even heard some person behind me say “why is this guy jumping? chester’s not even jumping.” …seriously. what?

again, i get it. it wasn’t a full concert and they played a few songs twice…but man, it felt dead out there tonight.[/quote]
I definitely agree. I watched it and the whole crowd was just standing there recording with cell phones and cameras. I saw one guy jumping.

I totally agreed. There was not much rocking out. I unfortunately had three guys right behind me doing nothing but talking all kinds of crap about the band!! Comments like " Mike doesnt even know how to play guitar, LP sucks live, and the song lis greed and misery was a F_____ed up song" . I was doing my best not to start problems lol .
But really if you dont really like a band why the hell are you at a mini concert for them waiting in lines for a couple of hours just to talk crap?? Aside from those idiots I thought LP was great as usual . I was jumping and singing along and I too was looked at funny. what can I say? I was there for a good time and thats what I did :slight_smile:

I DVR’ed it. But I saw the performance they were awesome as always! [cool]!

Yes - but what a sweet deal! Love Burn It Down!!

[quote=Destiny]I totally agreed. There was not much rocking out. I unfortunately had three guys right behind me doing nothing but talking all kinds of crap about the band!! Comments like " Mike doesnt even know how to play guitar, LP sucks live, and the song lis greed and misery was a F_____ed up song" . I was doing my best not to start problems lol .
But really if you dont really like a band why the hell are you at a mini concert for them waiting in lines for a couple of hours just to talk crap?? Aside from those idiots I thought LP was great as usual . I was jumping and singing along and I too was looked at funny. what can I say? I was there for a good time and thats what I did :)[/quote]

OMG…congrats on not PUNCHING someone - don’t know if I could have kept MY big mouth shut…those people suck, and I’ll tell you what the problem was…there were only a handful of LP members, the rest of all those people are just those who have figured out that 1ota website that gives away FREE tickets to shows all the time…they’re NOT true LP hardcore fans…they probably go to every free concert offered. That’s why there were so many of them, all recording, not getting into it…and I can’t believe they would talk shit…the band was fucking awesome and I’ve been rocking for a LONG time MANY shows Linkin Park is as GOOD AS IT GETS F*&$ those people…the HOB show was kill cause it was all LP members - i never knew about that 1iota crap with free shows but i don’t think i will ever bother again…long wait, crappy customers. I just want LP anyhow…Lies Greed Misery is one of the most AWESOME songs I’ve EVER heard in my life! And that’s the one I shouted out for them to play, and luckily that was the one they were ready to play and I could name it on the first tune and I screamed and it was f$%@^NG awesome!!!

I see you said the same thing…yep, just wanted to get out of their homes, you’re right on about that. Cool that you get them to sign your cover - that’s awesome!

I agree, I did take pix and a video, but so what?! I was rocking out too. Jumping when I had the space but pumping fist/ arm throughout the show, so much so that my arm is sore haha

I had a couple of ppl behind me doing the same, singing along (thanks G for joining in too!) screaming, jumping but everyone else was a complete BORE! Its why I hate to take non LP fans to shows, they have no idea how to rock out or have a good time. But guess what guys, it wasn’t an LP event, it was JKL and they let any rif raff in there. When we drove by the line I literally told my friend, WHO THE HELL are these ppl? They aren’t LP fans!

But it was a lot of fun, a free show and I got to meet a cool new LPU member! See you at the next one young lady! lol

man i couldnt go so i watched it on tv and the only songs they played were Burn it down and half of Faint. In faint they cut them off in the middle of the song!!!

well for tonight’s show, u kick all their asses :slight_smile: