[insert totally nifty topic here]

Yup teleportation to GER not av :stuck_out_tongue:

We can only send it by good ol’ train:

Even then, I still dunno exactly where to send it to. 50km away from München city center not detailed enough.

sure??? hi btw :confused:
ok heres the plan: You comewith these white ear-music blubb to munich, whazzapp me and I come and pick you up! What are you thinking? This is kinda lol :yum:

What black dot?

Honestly for a video game movie, it’s really good. Have you ever seen the Mario movie? God awful

Also, there’s three Tetris movies coming out


Do not forget, there used to be Uwe Boll, who made Farcry and Bloodrayne

This @EvoOba http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ScintillatingGridIllusion.html

What are we looking at?

Also, is this the dumbest person of all time?

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Numbers for all the categories even though only two unread.

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the dumbest, yes, fitting all criteria…blond…dumb…female lol :stuck_out_tongue:, but isn´t that guy an ass*** posting it???

I think he’s also an idiot for marrying her in the first place.

so they seem to fit at last? :stuck_out_tongue:


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is this a new one?

No, it’s pretty old. 2009 or 2010 if I recall correctly.

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Guess who’s back? And guess who will be away for a while?

Ha,got an apprenticeship training position (had to look this word up,so I’m not sure this is correct)! And that is great! :smiley:

Cool, what’s the apprenticeship in?

I’m going to be an industrial mechanic for small things.I could not find a word for the exact specialization.They showed all the things that I’m going to learn during my apprenticeship and it’s a lot of interesting stuff.


so, wearelpu? I enjoy the beer I opened right now, what do you enjoy @amitrish??

If he is not here… he must be eating :smiley:


Damn! I am actually eating! Nice @Spelling_Mistake