[insert totally nifty topic here]

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LOOOOOOOOOL for some reasons I cannot stop laughing. this is hysterical.

(@intheend snaps @TripleXero neck)


I just noticed that you can make your posts Wikis for everyone to edit.

Huh? How? I don’t see that option myself.

Click on the ellipses on the bottom of your posts.

Aaaah! I found it. Wow, well that is just interesting.

Here’s something else interesting. Today I laughed so hard that I choked and literally vomited. My parents flipped out.

I drank a big gulp of water and just before I could swallow it my sister made me laugh and I couldn’t stop, I tried to swallow my water but ended up choking which caused me to gag and vomit up the water and my half digested lunch :joy: :joy: :joy:

Been there, done that. But with coke instead of water. It also came out of my nose too. Funny and gross at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

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I must have gotten puke up my nose too because I was sniffing something later and all I smelled was vomit. I couldn’t stop laughing either. I was laughing even whilst vomiting.

I missed my mum’s beloved carpet by that much and hit the floorboards instead.

I want to make something with that Wiki feature for the new album kind of, one where all the regulars can add important information to the main post when it comes up

That’s a great idea. One post to add to, easy access etc. I like it!

Meanwhile, John Snow as a Ukrainian news reporter?

That’s pretty much the idea

Here’s a strange though that popped into my head. The smart people make the stupid people far stupider with their inventions. So if I become a professional engineer I will be making the rest of you stupid and fat :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? Because I’ll be the one responsible for your device that accesses social media and mindless and idiotic modern internet trends and I’ll be the guy innovating your car so you get lazy and never walk again.

So basically, instead of a culling of the stupid we need a culling of the smart. Or do we? With a culling of the stupid we won’t have enough stupid to go around and eventually we will have smart people surrounded by inventions designed for the stupid. So we need to get smarter to design stuff for the smart.

Whoa, that was some heavy stuff, no idea what came over me lol.

Teleport! We demand teleport! :smile:

The thought is right to some point, though. I think, the inventions are created to get us free from the domestic time-eating stuff, so we could do what’s of more importance.
Lazy stays lazy and stupid stays stupid, no matter how convenient the surrounding is. Cannot be smart in all the areas, btw. For example, at my working place I’m the only guy, who speaks English. Just because of lazyness.

Linguistic laziness is the most annoying thing ever. Especially when foreigners move to England, they don’t bother changing their habits, they don’t bother learning the language and they act as if everyone should be looking out for them. If you’re a foreigner it should be even more reason to speak the national language.

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I like bunnies

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In other news… My nephew sent me this…

I have a new job now…

Also I thought this was so mean but funny: