[insert totally nifty topic here]

Done. But why did you include the * in the tag if It’s not supposed to be there?

The coding used here is intended to hide the content between the codes including the code itself. If I hadn’t put the ( * ), what you would have seen is this → “[spoiler][/spoiler]”, even though I have actually written “[*spoiler][/spoiler]” without the *, ofcourse. That’s how web coding (or any coding for that matter) works. Huehuehue. Basically, it was to show you the actual code that is to be used.

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I’m currently stuck here doing yet another tedious assignment and I was so bored that I calculated that in my 2 years at college I would have done 90-108 assignments (18 units with 5-6 assignments for each). That’s 90-108 assignments to get 18 grades which fizzle down to 3 grades which are 3 meaningless letters. Hours upon hours of writing, research, rage (when teachers change the assignment when you’re half way through already), stress and excruciating boredom. All so that at the end of the 2 years I can get 3 lettres to determine how well I did. :unamused:

Adding ` around code will make it preformatted text and not turn into whatever it is.


Also, I hate that spoiler only works with [] yet nearly everything else works as <>

Jordan, we love the background generator! E-mail us so we can find the best way to get it to every LPU member.


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Oh, wow, that’s awesome! I’ll send the email as soon as possible, I’m going to fix something on it quick if it’s going to go out to everyone!

Cool, the background generator does indeed look nifty. Would be a shame if they didn’t use it. Props to you @TripleXero

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So, Linkin Park was a very slight plot point in the new Venture Bros. episode on Adult Swim if anyone watches that. It was kinda dumb, but funny. Basically there was a dodgeball prop famous for being in many older music videos that was stolen and threatened to be teleported to the past, and I forget how it exactly worked, but it would have messed with the progression of music and “Linkin Park and System of a Down would have formed in the 80’s, and that would have ruined future hip-hop”

Even though it was a joke, it’s still kinda funny to think that everyone in the band would be between 4 and 14 max depending on when in 80’s it would have happened

I forgot to post this before, went to an awesome store somewhat near me for uses games, ended up not buying any games

You finally found Live in Texas! Nice!

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Yeah, I was super excited, for that and the special edition (tour edition? one of those) of Meteora. There were so many CDs and DVDs I wanted, but I spent so much already, and it’s a pretty far drive to a pretty sketchy city.

They had a few Songs from the Underground, too. It really sucks you can’t find it anywhere

Yeah, that’s a great one. I love the making of Meteora Art’s DVD. Next time you’ll get more :wink: And I will eventually get a SFTU cd lol

I always get a glace of SFTU and think it says STFU without reading the message first

My car has rear wheel drive, so it has really bad traction. First time it snowed after I got my license, I went in the ditch. I’m also pretty sure only the right tire moves when I hit the gas, or at least it moves more than the other. Maybe that’s normal, @the_termin8r1 might know

Umm guys: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Linkin-Park-Live-Texas-Uk-Cd/dp/B0000TZ7SQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455006497&sr=8-1&keywords=linkin+park+live+in+texas

One driven wheel moving faster than another driven wheel can only occur if you have an open differential. In short an open differential helps in corners because when you turn your outside wheel is moving faster than the inside that means one of them has to drag along the road. A diff eliminates that in cornering, however it is not good for off road because most of the engine power will go to the wheel with the most grip. I don’t know if that’s the case with your car but it doesn’t look like it would have a diff.

I don’t like buying things online unless that’s the only place I’m going to find it (like country exclusives). I bought a special edition version of The Marshall Mathers LP on eBay and the person put the free sampler CD from the 8 Mile DVD in the place of the special edition disc, I’m pretty sure knowingly, too. I returned it, but I still don’t wanna waste my time on that stuff. Plus, no credit card

Yeah you can never be sure, might get fakes too.

Yeah that’s the risk of ordering stuff online. Whether it’s a person selling stuff or a supposed online store, the chance that they sell bogus crap is always there.

I ordered this keyboard last year to be able to type in the dark with. From an official store. Online. The keys are yellow, but other than that there’s nothing too special about it really. I still need a light on to be able to see the keys and the letters on the keys have slowly fallen off because I tend to type really hard… So now I am typing blind, on keys with no letters…

So far every CD I’ve bought from amazon has been legit.

Amazon is great. Discogs is risky. I almost thought the We Major Mixtape copy I bought was fake. (thankfully it wasn’t).