[insert totally nifty topic here]

Are the join/welcome messages necessary? I feel like when you get hundreds of people in there they’ll just muddy up the chat. And is the user list necessary? I feel like twitch is more a streamer to chat medium so knowing who else is in chat is useless. Also when there’s hundreds of people in there I don’t think anyone would spent the time looking through it.

I’m just coming from the perspective of someone who watches streamers on twitch quite frequently and neither of these features I’ve seen used before. I get that you’re trying to make it look like the old LPU chat room interface, but Twitch is very different than a chat room if used correctly.

In the end, it doesn’t even matter none of it is really necessary. It is mostly just for the old LPU chat experience and is mostly personal use at the time. For better or worse, the way the user list works on Twitch is not how it is expected and isn’t updated immediately, it only gets updated in bulk every so often. I made it so it welcomes in bulk now too, not individual messages. I can also disable it at a certain amount of users if I want to.

Typically, yes, Twitch chat is more streamer to viewer, but once Mike leaves people stick around and use it like a normal chat because there isn’t any other official place to chat with other fans anymore. It’s honestly become basically a new LPU chat

Edit: All the old emotes. The edges seem kinda off still and the blushing one seems to be missing its eyes, but it’s the best I can do right now
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ezgif-7-1dead3dbad67 20 21 22 23 24

Edit 2: Some tweaks based on @evooba’s reference, sized at the exact same resolution. I didn’t do much today on it, spent most of it on the emotes and they aren’t implemented into the chat itself yet



Looks great! I will dig for those transcripts later today once I’m done with work for sure.

Cool :sunglasses: looks absolutely nice! I guess we can’t use them here either ? I never understood how such things work- but these animated emojis are looking great…

You could copy/paste them here whenever you want, probably wouldn’t work anywhere else

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They’re quite large :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll see… I promise to do it tonight, I’ve been caught up in work meetings and uni essays!

Whoops, meant to reply to Pat about the emoji, sorry if I replied to you on accident. No rush on the chat logs, take your time!


Got the emotes in the chat now, took the entire night. They auto replace similar emoji when they are used in chat, so :sunglasses: becomes image


Thanx Jordan :+1:t2::blush: 14

Yaay it works 6 :tada::tada:

Finished production run 1 in the small hours of this morning. 54 frames. Production run 2 will begin on Mon when I get some filament from the society.


Also, this message stream from our printer chat. :joy:



@jFar920 the files are a tad big so I’m uploading them on google drive. Should have links ready tomorrow


I was not expecting to be able to get this color menu to work period, but if I did I was only expecting the base 15 colors. I was wrong

@the_termin8r What are all those?

@evooba No rush still, but thank you for doing it!


Wow, that’s a lot… didn’t expected it to be such an output :tada::+1:t2: Cool- they will be so much needed, great job :clap:t2:-

and the chat :joy::joy: shows once again you’re faster than others and lol :joy: they already lifted your secret :joy: about the lost mind :joy::rofl::rofl:

They are frames for face protectors / visors for NHS workers that I’m helping print with our society in uni (our society is working with another organisation within the uni). They’re missing their main plastic shields and elastic bands, I only need to print the frames, the rest gets done by others.

This is what the final should look like.

We were told to not print the chin pieces at one point, so that sped up production as well.

That’s because I’m willing to push my printer to its limits and I’m also very impatient. I was talking about this with @lpfan61 on the group chat a few days ago. I shared my speed research with the others because at least 2 of the other printers can use it directly and it can be applied and used as a guidline for the other printers.

When I was still printing with the chin piece I went from my first print being 4.5h to my fastest being 80 mins, but that was a useless print, I managed to get the fastest useable print to 2h. Then they dropped the chin piece and it went to 90 mins.


Here is one Dropbox - LPU chat with Mike (transcript) (1).doc

Quarantining works, letting the outbreak slowly die off by itself: quarantine

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The previous example wasn’t a good example of quarantine, since the entire country got infected.

This is a much better example of quarantine:

I left the house (properly) for the first time in 32 days today. :joy:

In other news, production run 2 is underway. I should be able to get about 62 frames out of the 2kg. Feels good to not be burning through my own filament lol.



The first thing to do when the lockdown ends



Ahh, you have it wrong, my dear.
Lockdown doesn’t mean no alcohol.
On the contrary.



Nah, I can’t get a good beer on the lockdown

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