[insert totally nifty topic here]

I assume they were like what the laminate became. I never got to use it. LPU 6, 7, 8, and FMM had them

Edit: Ninja’d

Ok, how do they insure that they don’t get forged?

LOL for posting at the same time, again!

Highly doubt that can happen. Some people don’t even have those, they just print the email confirmation of their membership. (They always check your name and stuff to see if it matches with their info).

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I wouldn’t mind if they went back to the cards, they’re kinda cool. Laminates are cooler though, just saying if they were to cut down on prices again

Me neither! I keep my LPU 8 card in my wallet with a pick I always carry (is that weird?), so I wouldn’t mind an updated one lol.

I had the 8 one on me for a long time, too, but at my last job my pants got soaked a ton from dish washing and my wallet got wet a lot so I took it out to keep it safe

Nope, these are the only ones I have as well.

What’s the crazy looking one on the extreme right? I assume it’s a FM thing. Looks pretty cool.
A sweet collection you guys have @triplexero & @evooba :smile:

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Mike designed it for the LPU X package, you can watch him draw it here.

Those are just there cause I honestly have no idea where to put them. My most “special” item is the 2nd pick though cause it’s Brad’s. I just love it, means a lot to me to own it.

Thanks for the vid. I love these type of art. I thought LPUX was something like in triplexero’s pic - the pinkish one. Anyways, looks cool.

You can give them to me anytime you want :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, if I ever do a LPU stuff giveaway again, I’ll consider you for sure!

So the LPU app magically works again. Even the forum. Except the forums are the ground(ctrl) forum and not this one. It’s also still styled to LPU12

I deleted the app years ago, I’m surprised it still works!

I found out that today is my LPU birthday, lol! How random is that?

Wait what app is/was that?

The LPU app.

means what? I logged in once on safari, but a special app, don´t leave us in the dark, share the secret…

It’s only on iOS

Thank you, Jordan, what time is it there over the ocean, buddy? :sunglasses: @TripleXero

About 1PM

That’s real early