[insert totally nifty topic here]


The login was finally fixed. I’m back


[spoiler]In a few hours, at least[/spoiler]

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I love that song! Would love to hear it live

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Let’s celebrate Brad’s birthday! lol

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@TripleXero December ends, GOOD GUY´S BACK HOME!

I was just listening to this:

Is it just me or does the guy sound like he’s having a stroke at 1:35? :laughing:

:laughing: hey man, isn´t that bad anyways…

ohh, peter, one of my favorite man :smiley:

The people at LPLive didn’t seem to agree whatsoever with my disapproval of them sharing unofficial uploads of LPU songs :confused:

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Peter Griffin ftw :slight_smile:

Saw that. Such a pity they started sharing exclusive content, especially since they make a huge deal out of people posting torrent and illegal (aka non official) links to whatever in their forums.

Did you see their responses, or just that they posted it (I found out they posted it from you)?

Worst thing said was that it doesn’t matter because they weren’t the ones that uploaded it

That’s like eating a pizza you know was stolen and saying it’s okay because your friend stole it and not you

They replied? No, I didnt see that! Wow! They’re being morons. Like sharing YT links of exclusive content doesn’t count -.-

Hate it when fansites are drowned in fame and they don’t care anymore.

Check out their forum post about LPU15. I admit I overreacted a bit, but some of the things said make no sense

EDIT: Link: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12072&page=5

“If you’re listening to a Youtube stream, the person who uploaded it is the one who did the pirating, not you.”

the world’s filled with douchebags.

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  1. Why is everyone so pissed we didn’t get a download of the cd when we renewed? We never did in the previous years anyways, why so much fuzz this time?

  2. Didn’t see that coming from Astat to be honest. Yes, it is the uploader but the fansite is at fault as well for even sharing it! Ugh! And then we wonder why no one joins the LPU for what it really is for and not a freaking m&g. They get everything for free cause a bunch of moron members upload everything.

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@TriplXero, I read the discussion in LPL, I think it´s no way to have a chance with arguments to discuss, there is a whole crowd, and they´re fans also, so if you like it painted black and white, we are the “good” and brave paying idiots in their eyes, while they think they are so brainy, that for them there is no ability to pay, if smo has shred sth before illegaly. At least, everybody is selfresponsible, and the hush onto new stuff, whatever, songs, tee´s or stuff like this is a sign of even live becomes faster and faster, andd everybody wants to be THE N° 1, It´s like they made cllear, just a Hunting Party, but I give you my respect @TripleXero, that you stay by yourself and post your meaning, and if we agree to differ, than it´s ok, cause I`ll make my account on LPL this evening. Me, as storm-trooper has to say sth to the whole thing,
on the other hand
LPL is a great fansite with much more interesting stuff on than the lpu, thats to blame…

To be honest, as much as I disagree with how they think on the matter, I think it’s better not to post on their forum about it anymore. It blew up more than I expected when I posted there and now it died down, and they aren’t going to change their minds

Definitely. Though I still don’t understand their logic. They’ve been trying not to share anything non official or LPU related and all of sudden they post a link and all they do is defend it and say it’s the uploader’s fault only. Meehh