[insert totally nifty topic here]

Sorry to hear that :confused:

I haven’t touched my (non-digital) camera in years, cuz I couldn’t find the charger.

[spoiler]Wow so many flags. @the_termin8r, if this time last year, flags came by so easily, Pat & I would have continued via the private messages sent out, and not via whatsapp in the first place.


Ok, and?

Also I’m pretty sure that’s not her voice.

And @the_termin8r, also, last year Pat & I were begging people for posts to be flagged by y’all so that we could repurpose the automated private messages sent out for use in chatting.

This is because of the max no. of posts per message limit imposed on us.

(Does tagging work underneath spoilers, @the_termin8r?)

Yes, that’s her but wouldn’t she be pissed with you for posting her voice on here (not that she’s not pissed at us already)?


Linkin Park is also a food band right? Right?


View through the aperture:

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They’ll probably come back to Europe soon, just like LP does. I also wanna see Rise Against some day

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Having fun on the internet…


We finally got fiber optic wifi. Claimed speed 100 on the DL, actual speed ~38. But I’m not complaining considering we were at 4 on the DL before. :joy:

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Dude its cold as hell on my end. I need I hug


Here’s something weird; my bedroom has the makings of a mediocre horror story with plenty of plot holes.

It’s the only room in the top floor with a motion sensor, it’s also one of the only rooms in the house with a panic button (other than the living room). This leads me to believe that the person(s) that have slept in here were either paranoid or have had bad experiences. Also the windows lock but all the rooms have locking windows.

I also have a string of 8 lights above my cupboards, some of the bulbs seem to have minds of their own, switching themselves on and off when they should be on.

You can use the above to fashion a brief horror story:

When the house was first built it didn’t have a security system, when the original owners were still there there was a break in through the room that is now mine, some things were stolen so the owners decided to get locking windows.

At some point new residents moved in, during their time there there were more break-ins but this time people were actually killed so a panic button was installed. Over time people kept moving in and out and break-ins and murders kept occurring and for every murder a new light would be added above the cupboards.

As it stands now there are 8 lights in my room and 3 of them are off, possibly 3 ghosts pissed of with me? Who knows, question is; how long before I meet my demise?

In case you haven’t already noticed I was extremely bored to actually have time to come up with this considering I don’t believe in horror stories or superstition in any way, shape or form. :stuck_out_tongue:


(wraps self up in nails)
I’ll hug you :3

soon… :smiley:

Maybe your room was the only not haunted room in the house?
On topic:
There’s a huge mirror right against my sofa in my room, so I feel paranoid
And our living-room doors twitch when they’re closed and it’s windy. Can’t be heard in daytime, but at night, when it’s quiet… feels like something is trying to get out
And once, I’ve seen a ghost. I think it was just me, but… what if it wasn’t?
It was really early, like 5:00 when I went to the toilet and I was washing my hands, when I saw something like a big black rotten rug flying in the coridor to the kitchen. I ran away really quickly and couldn’t sleep for a few hours

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That’s just the change in pressure as the air moves around.

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Happy birthday Minutes To Midnight!!!


Oh… It’s the birthday of MTM today huh?