[insert totally nifty topic here]

They can’t restrain themselves. I don’t get it either.

What the picture is trying to say here is that people tend to associate certain colors with emotions. Eg: I say associate a color with anger and most will say red. Companies tend to use those specific colors in their products to instill a feeling of attachment wrt their products.

Another example of red color: It’s generally also associated with hunger, that’s why you would see major food companies having red in their logos, or ambiance of the same color in restaurants.


I get the part about emotions. Interesting enough it is associated with companies and their logos. We didn’t learn that in uni.

Logos are an important part of any business, and companies pay a lot to express their vision & motto with simplistic design. So a lot of research goes into it.

Read this on the related topic, if you are interested.

I know I know, I am studying this anyways… just saying they never mentioned color as a main factor when it comes to logos. It makes sense if you think about it. Pretty legit!

Sorry if I sounded pushy. I got a bit excited :stuck_out_tongue: These things interest me a lot.
Anyways, enjoy studying. I will celebrate OSC’s winning the BotS here by blasting it out loud.

You didn’t, don’t worry. It just occured to me that it makes so much sense but our stupid tutors and books don’t even mention it. LOL have fun celebrating.

red is often ass. with ALERT and ALARME; , @amitrish thanx for for explanation, I took it also as an example, how the manipulation is to find in our “every day life”, :relaxed:

Well, since you guys missed my unicorn poop…

hey the unicorn poops again, never saw somebod pooping so buisy,

ot everything ok? Back home feeding lil bunnie? @Gatsie

Bunny is well fed, thanks :slight_smile:

Where were you gone @gatsie? I know a bit 'cuz I lurk around your blogs sometimes.
Anyways, welcome back :smile:

Hiya lurker :stuck_out_tongue: Had a family emergency, they don’t have internet there and couldn’t logon to LPU with my smartphone.

Cool. I hope everything is fine now. Great to see you back. In the meantime, OSC won the battle of the songs. yippie!
Now, I will take my leave as I am way too drunk to type stuff in here. Have a great night everyone :smile:

Well cheers mate! Have a good night :smile:

Please, no more unicorns.

Moving on…

I just made this:

Btw… Uhm… Porn Cocktail?

I’ve heard several idiots mispronounce Prawn as Porn :unamused:

ooooh I thought maybe it was an actual flavor for crips or something :stuck_out_tongue: