[insert totally nifty topic here]

No, I’m not. My account is good now, I did re-activate it again after email number 2, just in case. This one was sent to me by HQ directly which is weird. And it did say that if it doesn’t recognise my email I will have to create a new account, which I definitely don’t want to do.

Weird. I’d be worried to “activate” it again, could mess it up more

Why are you buttfaces up so early?

I’m about to go to bed. Why are you? We are (or used to be) in the same timezone

I woke up not too long ago

I am too, I won’t do the activation again since my account is ok and I’ll see what happens.


I saw the video as soon as it released and had my jaw dropped for a few moment, but then it’s Nintendo. It’s expected of them. :smiley:

Almost makes me want to have it. But I’m broke a/f

Any idea of the retail price? I don’t see any mention of the price. Honestly, I don’t even know the specs or what games are going to be in it. I saw mario and (I think) Zelda in there.

Edit: These are just questions, no answers yet!

The only email I’ve received since the migration is this:

:+1::stuck_out_tongue:Got my Second Gold badge today!

Just some regular weird stuff for the weekend

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Are you guys serious? 21 notifications when i wake up, i look at all of them, then i go away for 5 mins to get a coffee and there’s another 12.

My top 7 music groups turned out to be from LA. All of them , lol( LP, SOAD, FM, DBS, Metallica, Five Finger Death Punch, Serj Tankian)

For the upcoming auspicious occasion of the 16th anniversary of Hybrid Theory, I present to you my 5year-old artwork. I must have been trying to copy from somewhere, but couldn’t find the original.


this you? ARTIST?

You call that art? Dave looks Chinese and Joe is sad. Mike looks derpy. Chester’s spectacles one side is deformed. But, it looks cool (because I have drawn that) :slight_smile:

Also, Loudwire’s Rocktober Rumble is on and LP is in QFs atm.

this is the reason why I call it ART! Imperfection rules my way… nice sketch Dude… yes,compliments

I go out for what, 3 hours and you guys bombarded my notifications again. Seems to be busy in here during the weekends.