[insert totally nifty topic here]

Am I the only one who thinks that the stupidest and most pointless law around is the one about it being illegal to die in the Arctic. What are they gonna do if you do die? It’s not like it can affect you because you’re dead :stuck_out_tongue:

“Ok you died, so we’ll bring you back to life so you can serve your punishment and then we’ll kill you again.”

I did not even know such a law existed!

There’s also the one over here where apparently it’s now illegal to rip your CDs to your PC.

On the topic of the UK, how are you finding it here @aj73 ?

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I quite like it actually, thanks for asking! So far the people have been amazing! My uni is a bit of a nightmare to deal with, but I guess that’s normal with any uni. Also, it’s getting really warm and the no ac thing is also a nightmare! I can’t open the windows because bugs tend to take to me and I get bitten so badly that I end up on antibiotics. I believe it’s supposed to get warmer?

This is news to me. It’s still rainy down here. As for bugs biting me I get the odd bite at times. But damn, you must have some serious reaction to bites.

Warm in the UK? That’s news to me lol

Yeah! It’s insane! And it’s funny because no one in my family gets that sort of reaction. For them it’s normal a bite here and there and that’s it. Bugs also tend to just bite me and skip everyone else :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah and the weather being warm was totally a surprise to me. It’s really sunny. So far everyone I met has told me that I may have brought the heat with me, because apparently it’s not normal :stuck_out_tongue:

It doesn’t sound normal lol.

Also word of advice, if you ever throw up the peace sign make sure you don’t do the American one. The American one is where you do it with the back of your hand facing the person. Over here that’s an alternative to the middle finger. You have to do it with your palm facing outwards.

Correct way:

Wrong way:

I learnt this the hard way :frowning:

Lol, what happened when you did the wrong one? Did you get weird looks or did someone make a comment?

I was in class and we were discussing something environment related, I don’t remember what exactly, and I mentioned how world leaders should take action or something and find a solution in peace or whatever and did the peace sign the wrong way. The teacher was like, ehm, maybe you shouldn’t do this again. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one in class that didn’t know about it.


Thanks for the heads up! I did not know that! But thankfully, I never use the peace sign.

I actually have a question.
CONCERT PPL, can anyone give me an idea of the average pricing of pit tickets?
I’ve seen them in concert once, during the m2m tour but I was way back. I SO BADLY want to get up in that crazyness. Soooo baddd… lol

Prices depend on what band we’re talking about, the venue and the promoters and sponsors. Some venues have different prices for the pit, aka FOS and others have general arena ones. It can really be anything from 40 to 200 or even more.

Woah, that’s a BIG range.
I was just hopping someone that had seen LP in the past, from the pit, could tell me what it cost for them. Considering the price of my tickets at Madison Square (way up in the stands), I’m slightly concerned, thought I’m in FL now so I’m thinkin average price would be a little less expensive. I hope, lol.
Thanks evooba!

I went on an email address I haven’t been on in years, and decided to look through the Internet history and this URL was one of the few things in it: http://cdn.sparkart.net/linkinpark/users/0/819/819740/badge.jpg

It’s obviously non-existent now, but I wonder what it was

The email address also has 93 mail delivery error emails from trying to forward a single email for 7 years to a different address I deleted years ago

kinda funny but kinda crazy though, the net never forgets nothing

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Have you ever heard about the right to be forgotten?

No but go ahead and tell me about,I am curious to learn new rights… (can’t fend off thoughts of innuendo in this post above :thinking:)

Not that new, these rights: