Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary

It looks like the band is looking to make the 20th anniversary of Hybrid Theory big, just received this email and figured I’d share it for those who aren’t on their mailing list.

Click here to read the email

TL;DR version: They have some special stuff planned that hasn’t been detailed yet, but want fans to send in any memories from the band prior to 2003, including photos, video, or signed merch.

I’m too young to have been a fan during that time so I don’t really have anything to contribute to this directly, but I do have some older merch that might be worth including even if I didn’t get it firsthand



You can’t explain what you’re uploading. I uploaded the No Cover magazine, which, as I was told, is LP’s first official magazine cover as LP. I doubt many handling this will know.

You can’t view the uploads from what I can see.


@jFar920 The mail also has the very cool & classic HT cover. Where is it?

Here it is:



@derek I noticed that. I was going to submit a picture of my autographed Hybrid Theory but I don’t want to give the implication that I got it signed around release, it was 2014

@amitrish I figured everyone has already seen the cover of the album hundreds of times, not really worth including. But that particular picture of it does seem cropped less than I’ve ever seen, more going on on the sides

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That hurt.
Anyway, what I was thinking was that if you could ask the forum members via this topic to upload their stuff here as well so that we can see what all people have in their possesion. I am unsure what LP team has in mind and how many of them would make the cut, but it will be fun for us to see the other gorgeous stuff too.


I was too young at the time to have something as well. I only have a tiny HT tee my dad got me when I was 5. I obviously didn’t even know what it was :stuck_out_tongue:
But, it’s pretty cool to know they want to do something special, I can’t wait to see what it is :slight_smile:


Woow great news :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I’m looking forward :partying_face: - edit: just found the mail in my spam folder :frowning:

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I am too young to really do this
But I was given a hybrid theory shirt that was form the time it came out

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Same :joy:

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I wish I was smart and kept better track of the old lp.com chats. Anna used to come by a lot. I remember she checked in on us before LPU dropped. Those would be neat to read again.

Aside from items from back in the day, all I really have is correspondence from LP to the original LPST when they used to send packages and letters to us. I actually still have all the envelopes from those days too…lol.Packing

Here is some of the letters(random LPU as well), I may take a better picture and submit it as well.

LPST Letters


I think I might still submit a photo of a some older stuff I’ve gotten my hands on, even if I didn’t get it back then, it doesn’t specifically state that it had to have been gotten back then, just that it is from the “early days”.

@amitrish It seems like Derek might be the only one that has anything actually from back then to share.

@derek I love how much you’ve kept over the years, I feel like most people would have tossed stuff like this but this is the most interesting stuff to see since it isn’t around anymore

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Very true, I haven’t really seen anyone else post their LPST letters and such. I have more too, just need to dig it out when I have time.

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Here’s the no cover magazine and article. October 2000, have not seen this elsewhere.

No Cover
No Cover page 1 No Cover page 2


I really started collecting after Meteora, so I only have a handful of things, myself. I have a few Hybrid Theory-era stickers from Adam, a couple shirts, some bootlegs, but most notably, I have Frat Party at the Pankake Festival on VHS.


It seems true that only a few of us here may have collectibles as many maynt be an active member of the site and most are too young to have any memorabilia. Maybe we should spread the word around and collect stuff from other sites and places and update it here (with proper link to actual page). This way there will be more to choose from.
This is just a thought.


It is all over facebook and instagram already. There are way more Linkin Park fans then here. It will make its round.


Why is everyone so young? Ugh! As Anna said lots of people are posting stuff elsewhere, I saw this just recently which is really nice and to hear the story behind it:


Unfortunately a lot of people didn’t keep memorabilia back then, and we didn’t go to gigs with camera phones either! Haha. Those were the days. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing the collection once they share this with everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I’ll take a photo of my first poster (I got it in like 2008, but it’s definitely a Hybrid Theory era poster), my signed copy of Hybrid Theory, and maybe something else like the replica shirts they sold on the LPU store a few years back

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Butt face…

I uploaded a picture…but it isn’t of a live so or anything like that so it might not be used…but it was a small painting I did…