Holy poopie I forgot I have a hybrid theory poster @.@
And a meteora poster…
I have a few…
Holy poopie I forgot I have a hybrid theory poster @.@
And a meteora poster…
I have a few…
I hate u all -.-
All I have is my poopie stick person with wings -.-
So the email said 1998-2001. I first heard of Linkin Park in January 2001 when I heard ‘Crawling’ for the first time. So I really didn’t have anything from 1998-2000. I’m curious what others have during this date range.
I do have a couple of items that I guess would work for this that released sometime prior to October 2000: In The End VHS promo, Hybrid Theory Album Advance, and of course the Hybrid Theory EP that came with the LPU V1 package.
I hate everyone too. Let’s team up?
I love your shares guys- especially ty @derek - the no cover magazine really look like a fanzine imagine what way the guys made from these early days- incredible
And somehow - when I read that Anna was around here or even before the lpu launched- only awesome… it’s kinda real heartblood that we got always from them-
Unfortunately I was not a collector at all back then- my collection starts waaaay later…
So once again thank you all for sharing these nice memories
I never actually submitted my photo, went to attempt to now, I can’t tell if it actually is or not, the page doesn’t seem to change after I fill out all my info
I got added to a weird Warner mailing list on both of my email addresses I tried so it must have went through
Same for me
What about (of course I don’t have it!!), written lyrics of Pictureboard??!
This could be a great reveal, the infomous Pictureboard
Mike has said numerous times that Pictureboard would never see the light of day because of the samples that were used on it.
Yeah I know, still doesn’t stop it being cool IF it was a big reveal that we finally get to hear it
I do know, however, that we won’t get to hear it
Have you guys already checked Linkin Park’s updated website? It has something to do with the HT anniversary!
This reminds me of the mysteries Linkin Park has posted for fans to solve before an album release . I’m working on figuring out the password!
I’ve been trying to figure it out as well
So far I’ve found “corrupt” Music files, and a link that says “Determining if this is carousel”
When clicked on, you are directed to the Youtube link of “And One”
I’m just excited to see the outcome for this!!
I’ve tried the user key and the track names but those didn’t work.
emphasized text[quote=“justinkilmer, post:36, topic:52768”]
So far I’ve found “corrupt” Music files, and a link that says “Determining if this is carousel”
When clicked on, you are directed to the Youtube link of “And One”
yea, this was a funny joke added
me too! Finally something new from LP!
I have kept all this kind of stuff too from the street team days
Man I was so young back then and I didn’t know about things like that and I definitely didn’t have the money to collect these things! But it’s so interesting to see and read what some of you have collected throughout the years!
My first ever piece of merchandise was a living thing shirt that I got from when I pre ordered the album (‘; I had to make my mum get it for me cause I was still a kid ahaha
I don’t have much stuff as well. I’ve been part of the LPU community since 2012. And the things that I got are mostly what I bought with the membership.
I also have some posters, and old magazines that they appeared…