How old are you all / No young LPUers?

wow thats young :0 turn the numbers and you got my age

im 100 years :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=Clarencia Sianne]im 100 years :stuck_out_tongue:
why do i have doubts about that :wink:

anyway considering the intial post i count as young with 21 years :smiley:

[quote=Clarencia Sianne]im 100 years :stuck_out_tongue:

r currently at the age of 19 :slight_smile:

I’m 20, I’ve been in LPU since I was 13…I cant believe it’s been that long!

Whoa congrats!!!

I’m 15, 16 soon ;D

same :slight_smile:

same :slight_smile:

I remember when I was 15. Good times :smiley:

I’m 15. :smiley: And dont worry… you’ll get older ;D

same :smiley:
haha I’m sure it will happen :wink:

I’m 26, but I look like 19 :TROLLFACE:

look for “RoboBoy” . I think he is of your age too.

19 here but i can usually pass for a younger age XD lol

[quote=Wendy]19 here but i can usually pass for a younger age XD lol

I’m 23…

im 17 and i saw a lot of under 15th year old people here.

15 :stuck_out_tongue: But with the mental age of a million. ;]

13:) hahaha

Im 13