How do you feel?

Oí oí oí :blush: those are heeeeavy thoughts little lady… they’re natural and are unavoidable but these are things that need to be…not ignored…but just… sighhh…accepted in a way? Idk how to say and I don’t want to say the wrong thing
Our endings are as unavoidable as the days passing by but that does not make it bad
I remember seeing you’re still young and for that reason I would say that it takes maturity and time to come to grips with these issues
I remember thinking or imagining what the feeling would be to be gone but as time passed those emotions fade away as you learn your purpose or the direction you want to lead in your life
It’s hard to come to grips when these feelings take us by but you literally need to be aware that your thoughts are drifting that way and tell yourself you won’t go down that train of thought and that you need to think of something positive

The part about being forgotten-you’re never forgotten by those you touch and those you interact with… we haven’t spoken more than what? 2 or 3 messages in random places yet I remember you :slightly_smiling_face: and I know for certain that people you interact with more have you even more present in their thoughts
What’s more is that this feeling should leave you with a sense of purpose in your life :slightly_smiling_face: just recently I was teasing the two building field soldiers on here when we were talking about structures from Greece…I said they should design their work to last as long as those 2000-3000year old works and one said why would they do that if it’s not to their benefit? I answered immortality
I think t applies to your thoughts in that there’s things that we do in life that transcend our lives and leave an impression on the world around us
If your dedicated and have a strong sense of purpose I’m sure there are ways that you can leave your mark on the world around you-you don’t have to be who designed the Pyramids or the Eiffel Tower :crazy_face::crazy_face: for people to remember your work or your deeds :blush: touching others lives does that just as well-think teaching and molding other kids to grow into model citizens of tomorrow and things like that…

I don’t know…this is long and maybe I’m going about it the wrong way :sweat_smile: and I also know those kinds of thoughts someday find their way back into your head here and there but it’s something good to remember and think of… if we are smart about it, we can turn our fears into strengths and motivations for a healthy life :blush:

(I HAVE to get dorky okay… :innocent: I say this because I am batman :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::nerd_face:):

Turn the fear of being forgotten into a reason to live to find a way to be remembered :grin:

And as everyone else said…you’re never by yourself in a fight, even if we forget to look to our sides to see those with us :slightly_smiling_face: so just look around when you’re feeling lost and you’ll see people can have your back if not in person then here or on a phone call or any other way :slightly_smiling_face:

Sending care and strength :hugs::bat::black_heart::bat:


Good thing I met you and came here. Thank you for motivation. :handshake::innocent::black_heart:


Yep yep we’ll always be here, one person or another :grin::muscle:t3:


I’m with the others and their words! And so I am with you too! :heart:
Stay strong! :muscle:

@framos1792 :open_mouth: :black_heart::bat::black_heart: :blush:



Not that i disagree with @framos1792 but i’d like to pinch in thoughts that were not touched by him in that beautiful and caring post!
I have a different view but i can’t not appreciate such empathy!
to top that, he also

if all psychiatrists had this value you hold, of being careful not to break something as you try to fix the furniture in someone’s inner world our world would be a much better place!
way too many of them just push and pull carelessly because they know best!
deep respect brother!

An alternative angle to this discussion could be :
There is nothing that can be taken for certain in our course of life.
Anything can shift and change from one moment to the next.
There is one thing that is certain and it is the only thing we are never allowed to talk about :slight_smile:

are we born to not think about it and enjoy life (because contemplating and wondering or even fearing death somehow implies that we don’t enjoy life) or are we born to take this certainty and build upon it?

So let’s check our options.
How long do we live?
then… how long do we die?

Remember Benjamin Franklin?
He died one day and… he is still dead today!
we do live a very short life compared to our unlife.
but we only contemplate the short part of things.
unless reincarnation is proven i will have to take for granted that i live for ~80
but i’ll be dead for thousands!

These are not random thoughts.
It’s a thought process meant to lead us out of the worry.
Worrying exists because our consciousness is warning us that we spend all our lives worrying about the
wrong things.

we try to have a good life, not caring for why we got to have it
and then what, we’ll “see” what happens?
and what if what happens is based on how we lived, it matters greatly and there will be no way to turn back to fix it then?
should we worry more and build a future on the short or for the long which is the only certain?

Yes, live and love can never go wrong! but to me, this is too vague as all religions claim to call us to do so.
(though they are not really)
I agree with @framos1792 a lot that this life is building emotions and being remembered.
Consider this : We take nothing with us but what is real! (i believe we do)

Point of my response is that i recently had y epiphanies on the issue and does not trouble me anymore because now i now where i am going.
do you?
what if, the world does have enough to teach you too but many fail to discover them because of …
being too busy living?

It will be too easy for me to turn my “argument” towards religion because to me religion is all about what’s right and what’s wrong, (it ain’t even an argument) but i would rather not do that unless asked.
But it is religion that saved me from these worries.
“and which religion is that” you may be asking
well, the only one that carries the proof that God loves me!
did you know that only one religion says that?

Back to the argument.
There’s this great misconception that life is like the roll of a dice
this creates so much uncertainty that fear is unavoidable.
but if you roll the dice 20-200 times in situations of life and they all are bad throws but they end up leading you to a result of your benefit and well being, that could had never been predicted and amazes you
wouldn’t that say that those dice rolls were far from random?
wouldn’t that give you a little strength and patience when the bad rolls are due?

I prefer my answers in form of questions because i too am on this side of questioning, not answering!

"Our life is a dash between two numbers
Our job is to make that dash count!"
-Dr. Kent Hovind

i do know how to make the dash count, as the world decided to teach me that (was not born knowing it!)
care for others more than ourselves is what will build the baggage we take with us as emotions can’t be touched but they can be felt and i find them realer than reality.

Anything done for the self stays behind!
we just gotta make sure we don’t leave naked of connections just as we leave naked of clothes.
and what builds better connections than always caring for others more than for oneself?
see how easy it can be if put in the right perspective?

i hope i pinched something interesting in @framos1792 beautiful post!
LPU will not only remember you our dear @AngeDeLaChance1905
it’s a sanctuary community that genuinely cares to help, and not just pretend to!
please don’t tell the system we’re here! :face_with_monocle:



Aye, we may have our disagreements and different points of view, ways to get our points across :roll_eyes:, aaaand just differences :joy: buuuuut I can’t help but respect that I know you’re coming from a good place within yourself :sweat_smile:
And yes you make some very valid points… glad we could team up in this and hopefully it helps her and whoever else reads :muscle:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


We will remain strong as long as we are together. :two_hearts:


Thank you for this realistic and convincing article :two_hearts:

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it’s a honor to be able to assist dear neighbor!
so, thank you for the opportunity shared! :relieved:
all i did was to point hoping some will take the way in new and hopefully helpful thoughts.
the finger is irrelevant, it’s all about the way!


Your not the only one. I’m still struggling with his dead. I can’t accept it :sob: