HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

About to go bed… see you soon! Have some werewolves and dragons… :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: feels like a family gathering here online in the lpu family :blush::tada::yellow_heart: it’s so nice :blush::sunny: Traffic got up and it feels good to see you all here in the lpu :hugs::hugs::tada:.

I finished coffee just now and want to wish you all a good day :sunny::sunny::sunny: Try and have a good one! :hugs::yellow_heart::heart: And don’t forget to share some thoughts with us :blush::sunny::sunny: whenever you feel like :grin:

Later guys :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:


Good morning guys! Hope you’re all well!

My cousin came over for a visit yesterday, we sat outside my house in the front yard or whatever and had coffee and played some guitar and then went for a small walk around the block. The weather this weekend, especially today, is going to be extremely good so we have decided to stay in and avoid any crowds. I need to finish that assignment as well…

Have a great Saturday! :slight_smile:


Good moorning!:hugs::hugs:
Couldn’t fall asleep for so long this night, so i just woke up😴


No no no, i wouldn’t consider myself a pro😁(just started with acryl)here are some people who are way more talented… i’ll tag you in the “playing with the drawing tools” thread🤗i and others shared some stuff there.
But here’s something i started yesterday:

:joy:no, these are all novels. I wouldn’t read a stack of physics books!

:heart:i can, but rn i’m totally not satisfied with what i have so far…:grimacing::grimacing:so it’ll take some time probably​:thinking:

:joy::heart_eyes:that’s great!:joy:

I know that​:grimacing::joy:

Ot: making banana shake
Have a nice saturday!:heartbeat::hugs::heartbeat::hugs::pray::muscle:


That’s a very noble profession and thanks for all your doing to help your community right now :slightly_smiling_face: Nice to hear about your passions to support WWF, do you have any plans to visit any nature reserves?

I don’t think this is helpful to me although I appreciate Mark Hoppus used his live streams to raise money for charity so I fully support this. There are people I know who have suffered from the virus and passed away so I don’t really spend a lot of my lockdown watching things that remind me of being in lockdown. I watch things that take me away from that. I did watch a bit of Mike only because of you all and I found it boring because I’m not into beats making. I’d rather listen to Linkin Park. I don’t see why I have to watch this? I’m not interested in that type of music and I’m not that sort of “fan” who watches them with awe or follows them like sheep (a dulling of the mind). I’m only interested in the hybrid style of music and meaningful lyrics (I liked the download Mike had which was in HT style).

Happy good Friday and happy Easter Sunday to you for tomorrow! :hatching_chick: :pray:

This is the best quarantine picture I’ve seen to date. Snow just makes it seem like Christmas break. :heart:

Day-something: We’ll hopefully hear next week about how long they will extend this lockdown. I had to get some essentials so went to the shops - massive queues in our local Tesco but the fruit and smaller stores were quiet. I don’t know why people keep queuing outside one shop! Yesterday was exhausting, I can’t remember the last time I felt so tired. Soundtrack: Limp Bizkit -Take A Look Around.
Update: Just realised I left the iron on all afternoon. This is where my head is at right now. My brother today said I think too much - excessively much…


Here it’s obligatory. 3 times as much people as cash registers are allowed to be in a shop in the same time.

This. I’ve tried to watch one of Mike’s videos on how he makes his beats. I expected he would talk more about what he was doing. I’d rather listen to a complete song not beat samples. I’m not an expert and testing the same beat over and over again sounds like noise to me.

It must be Day 31 today. It’s gonna be a strange Easter. However, I feel a bit relieved after I talked to
2 of my cousins (on the phone).

Happy Easter! Happy Sunday! Happy Next Day! Whatever you are gonna celebrate tomorrow!


Happy Easter weekend everybody! Let’s celebrate together and enjoy the beautiful things in life for a change. Keep your head up!

I’m working on music but I’ve got nothing to share right now. It’ll come later! :grin:


Oh maybe that’s why. I still think they could walk to the other store which is only 15 minutes away but they seem to prefer to queue outside just that one instead.

Yes, I really struggle with most instrumental only music at the best of times (unless it is classical or very expert talent - for example I love Travis from Blink182 because he plays the drums so stunningly and even then he often does so to lyrical songs giving them a new twist.). Someone needs to tag me when Mike starts rapping likes it’s the '00s again.

Wow you’ve had a whole month? I hope it’s been bearable to you and the family? You need to give me some tips to survive :pensive: We’re lucky to have so many kinds of communication, I just video called my niece and she was so excited to see me :blush: :heart:

@rorybourdon welcome back and join here if you like. How is lockdown going for you whenever you are? Let us know your stories of woe.


I’d like to have some tips but unfortunatelly I haven’t got any universal ones. It hardly bearable to be left at the mercy of your bored kid (let alone the other aspects of family life now). And for sure I can’t do anything I’d like to do. I’m trying to read books, watching HBO series (but only in the evening/at night) and sleep as long as possible.
Also food shopping is a good kind of entertainment now. It’s the only reason you can leave your house for and it’s very time-consuming so you visit 2 or 3 shops and a half of the day is over :rofl:
And every day which is over brings you closer to the end of :crown:


Well not good. Tomorrow morning I was supposed to go to Greece and now I’m doomed. I’m with my parents which is not great. But I’m ok. Reading, watching movies and playing with my niece. In June I became an aunt and she is the cutest little girl ever


Can you rearrange your trip? I know a few people who travelled before the lockdown and really struggled to get back (some still haven’t) so probably best to leave it for a while. Oh yes, your niece is free entertainment! Awww she’s adorable :heart_eyes: Oh wow my niece was also born in June! I hope I get to see her for her birthday :confused:


Well I have to rearrange my trip. But I’m mostly bummed as it was work. So that sucks. Whole 6 or 7 months in the sun. Last year was awesome.
Aww well hopefully you will see your niece!

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Hopefully you will get more time with your niece not being away so that’s something good! :grinning: I’m hopeful they will finish the lockdown by start of May as I think that’s what other countries are hoping. I don’t think the UK can be keep this going much longer - I see people out constantly now and seem to neverendingly shop.

This is true and I think that’s why I keep seeing people standing in queues - because they don’t want to go back home! :laughing: “Sorry kids I’m gonna be shopping for the next 5 hours”


I’m in the good situation that I have a house with massive garden and can go out and read on a swing. So that’s something. I cant imagine being stuck in a flat without the possibility of leaving.

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Out for two days.
Have a little catching up to do.
@HakManLP where is the WEP :triumph:

Happy Easter to you all!


Happy Easter everybody!

Here’s how I’m spending the rest of tonight.

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Hello lovely family. :heart:
A quick visit. Happy Easter everyone :hatching_chick: enjoy the time. I hope some of you can visit family or friends. I hope in these times we can make happiness and love stronger! :muscle: Take care everyone and have a wonderful day!




Good morning and Happy Easter! :hatching_chick: :sun_with_face:

Congrats on being a aunt @rorybourdon and welcome back! :smile:

OT: having late breakfast :yum: :cookie: :coffee: :milk_glass:


Good morning family :sunny::sunny: Happy easter :hatching_chick: :rabbit: Sunday to you all :sunny::heart::kissing_heart: let’s make the best out of the situation :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: together everything is a lot easier :blush::heart::hugs: good luck collecting colored eggs and chocolate bunnies :rabbit: :stuck_out_tongue::joy::joy: and I hope you find something you can enjoy today… it’s the small things that we can explore now :confetti_ball::yellow_heart::heart::balloon: good vibes to you all :blush:

@LP13413 He looks like when he has THE time of his life - like a boss… :cat: stay strong Andi :hugs::sunny::muscle:t2:

@evooba hope you made progress with the assignment?! Also Soren is sooo sweet looking :dog: :heart_eyes: Stay strong :hugs:

@drounzer @linkineli @justinkilmer @zanybelle and @anomalia bonecrushers as always :hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs::yellow_heart::heart: and love as always, I really enjoy your posts :hugs::sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::heart:

@HakManLP hope everything is well? Take your time :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: looking forward to read from you buddy :grin:

@anna834 missed you already :yellow_heart::sunny:- good to have you back :hugs::heart::sunny::sunny::tada:

@rickvanmeijel ty Rick :blush: so happy to hear you’re creating music rn :heart_eyes:I’m already really curious :star_struck::partying_face: tag me when it’s ready …

:sunny::muscle:t2: Wishing a good Sunday ! :yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot :coffee:


I hope everyone has a happy Easter