HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Looking forward to the next chapter of the LPU and hoping it satisfies everyone. I feel really bad for not being active the last year now, I don’t know if I’ll be around when the read-only goes live, so see you on the other side @theearlywalker, and everyone else


Hahaha sounds very interesting :thinking: I’m curious too :tada::sunny::confetti_ball: hope to be around DEFINITELY :tada::+1:t2::crazy_face: meetcha there :stuck_out_tongue::blush::hugs:

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Hellooo my wonderful LP soldiers all around the world! :smile: :sun_with_face:
I have a free weekend finally and want to say thanks to all of you who always mention me in their posts, no tags needed, just sending back love to @everyone :blush: :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :grin:
Since this platform is changing, see you in the next one hopefully very soon!! :grin: :partying_face: :heart_eyes:
Have a great day! :sun_with_face: :grin: :wave: :heart:


Linkin Park Band Photo LPU 15
Chester heart

Last words from me: Hopefully,we’ll stay together in the new place like our 6 guys. Hopefully everyone will make it to the new place, otherwise: It was nice to meet you and talk to you all - love you #LPUFamily :heart: #togetherforever


Hey all! Happy Saturday!

another early day for work for me… yay?

Thought I’d check in before the update! Won’t type much this AM lol
Been a chaotic an hectic week was in a grump ass mood on Thursday :rofl:
But came home and my LP boxset came… so made me happy! Regardless if there’s errors or not (from what I’ve heard there are a few…)

Either way I’m happy lol

This is my check in!
Positive vibes and hugs to all! See you on the other side! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

finally jumped onto the Discord server lol

I had it earlier with you but my former account is being deleted because somehow it thought I was 13… off by a few years there guys :rofl: :rofl:
anyways @BlueNexus95 - Hope to keep up with you all on there! :slight_smile:


Sorry dear @Linkineli for not replying earlier.
I wanted to, I wanted to comfort you, give you a hug. But reading you, I just run away. :grimacing: sorry.
This now will be longer and it’s mostly about me, so not sure it can help in any way.
My grandma was a extraordinary self-determined woman and this till her last breath.
She even got on her feet again after a stroke in 2014, and all by her own will and decision.
This spring, she was so weak that she said, she would hold up for the Easter festivity, so she can have all her beloved ones around. But then, it’s enough.
And I remember, that I was afraid, she wouldn’t hold on that long.
Then corona hit, no Easter party, no family, isolated to her apartment, no visitors at all. And she decided not to die, to wait. She wanted to be with us, wanted us at her precisely planned funeral.
In hindsight, I am horrified what this did cost her, how much strength and will. To keep up for this, to hold on in this horrible sleepless nights, when she walked her room, all alone and afraid.
She just said, how annoying the sleeplessness was. But I know now, that this panicky paranoia she had the last nights, every night, wasn’t something new, it was a thing that tortured her far longer. Just that she now couldn’t walk it of anymore.
As much, as I wished, she didn’t had to go through the pain of the broken femoral neck, it actually revealed to us, that she was in a dying process and what she needed most.
Us around her.
The end is like the beginning. You need someone to take care, to be with you, to hold on, to get cuddled, talked away your fears.
She nearly died in the hospital of her loneliness. But we got her out right on time. And she really flourished under the care, us being with her.
But it was still the end of her lifes journey. And she wanted to die. As she said, better dead then get your ass whiped.
But she still waited. For her two sisters, one older as her 92 years, one younger, to come, be with them one last time.
And for my Berlin uncle to come again after two weeks. She asked and asked for him. With him, I had her last night at her bedside.
The next day, all her kids and me were there. She was more clear in voice then all days before. Called me, wanted to go on a journey with me. “Anna, show me the way!” She repeatedly demanded. And me, that hold her hand, said, you will find it on your own, it will be totally easy.
Still, I couldn’t really believe it, even five minutes before, I looked at her way of breathing and said: If she would be a sheep, I know, she is dying right now.
Not grasping the reality of it.
But she did die. At nine in the evening, Sunday, the 09/27/20, with the ringing of the church bells, my grandma stopped breathing, surrounded by her lovedones.

It was perfectly timed, everyone could be there, could be on the funeral. Wouldn’t be possible even now, two weeks later.

In some way, that is the way, we all want to die, someday. But yeah, there is this other possibility. That your mind is leaving before your body.
I have this in my family too. My grandpa, her ex husband, lived on after a heart attack, confused, even for a while chained to his bed.
His mother, my great grandmother, we lived in her house, when I was a kid. She was in bed, needing care for 6 years, no clear hearing, eye sight and a mind, long gone.
My favourite aunt, sister to my grandpa, just died last year. After years and years being in dementia. If the mind is gone, the body seems to forget how to actually die.
And I really don’t know, how to find words of comfort for families in this situation.
There is so much fear of this in myself.
Is it really comforting to say, that the person who this is happening to, isn’t actually realizing it? Does it help, that you say to yourself, that all the nasty things, you get told sometimes by the mind loosing person, aren’t actually not ment that way?
If I have one tip, get help, get consultation by professional people, who know how to handle it.
It is a profession to help families in such situations, even help you dear Eli :heart: to cope with it.
I don’t know how early they can be involved, but the ambulance hospitz service was a tremendous help for me. You not only can call them at every time, they even come day and night, when needed. Not only for calming the in process person, giving some relaxing medicine. They are also there for your needs of information and comfort. I even got the last call yesterday, just to make sure I coping alright with all.
You can just look up the number for your town. They are so helpful. And it’s paid by the state. As they explained, it’s way cheaper, what they are doing, as to call an ambulance every time things get out of hand.
I hope, what I wrote is ok for you, resonates in some ways. Stay strong my dear, much love to you. :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::green_heart:

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