HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good Morning all!

As I write this (or start this :rofl:) itā€™s 5:30 A.M. my time, we are busy enough at work where they asked for Volunteers. I was like hey itā€™s extra Money so why not :joy: and my thought process is always, get in as early as you can, so you can leave earlier.

I actually donā€™t mind Saturday shifts here, itā€™s so quite and peaceful here that I feel like I can actually get stuff done.

Of course!! You all are family to me! :hugs: Iā€™ll always try and make time to at least check in to see how everyone is doing!!
As for the corgi herding? lol Vixen will accompany us to Briannaā€™s grandparents once in a whileā€¦ She like to hear up the cats :rofl: has tried with the cattle a few timesā€¦ but she canā€™t get into the pen :rofl:
Vixen used to be a farm dog, both Brianna and I grew up on farms - Vixen was her dog before we moved in together, I got a -2 for 1- deal when I decided to live with Brianna lol - She reminds me of this quite a bit actually :thinking:


Just professionally - unprofessionally lurking :rofl:

Whoop! Whoop!
Happy to drop by! :crazy_face::crazy_face:


Butā€¦ does that mean youā€™d be quite :thinking: :thinking:
maybe on the forumsā€¦ but WHAT ABOUT THOSE OTHER POOR PEOPLE YOUā€™LL TALK TOO?!?!?!?!

I donā€™t think we can do that to themā€¦ for this reason please stay here and ā€œbugā€ us :rofl::rofl:

ā€¦ I mean Hi @framos1792ā€¦ no we donā€™t want to to disappearā€¦

Alright well back to work for me!! you all have a wonderful day/weekend!! :hugs::hugs:


Hahahaha you got me huh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@IronSoldier16 :v: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin:


Daniel knows the patreons best, (especially on the higher levels such as myself) I mean, heā€™s done the jingle (which I absolutely adore), mentioned my name a few times and he knows that I love the Wolf characterā€¦ in fact, he has liked my ā€œWolfā€ cosplay as I put it as an instragram story last night which was a lovely surprise :metal: :grinning:



OT - finishing my online courses, (only 2 left) yay!


Almost diner time, just waiting.

Ok I have nothing interesting to say because i just wanted to be part of the @IronSoldier16 wake up thing ! :crazy_face::joy::hugs::purple_heart:


Another Saturday, another 7 hours of overtime worked.


This is where I spent the majority of my day. All that extra furniture that was left in the high school gym I had to move onto the stage in the auditorium (which is still set up from the musical that never happened in March, by the way)

These pieces are parts of the floor that are taken out for the orchestra pit every year for the musical. They were used in June for the makeshift stage for the graduating seniors, so theyā€™ve been sitting here for three months.

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And trust me when I say, they are not light. I moved all six pieces out of the way to make room for everything, and spent my entire day wearing a path in the floor between the gym and the auditorium

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At least the curtains can hide everything.

At least it wasnā€™t pallets of copy paper.

I came home to this one playing with his new haunted house. It has scratching posts on top and inside.

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Oh, and speaking of cats! Hereā€™s a picture my sister posted of her boys today.



I wish I could do that.


No :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: donā€™t go anywhere, cabrĆ³n :cricket_bat_and_ball:

We f****d missed you all this time! You wonā€™t go anywhere. Even death your ghost will be stay here! :crazy_face:

:thinking: Iā€™ll need time to reply thisā€¦

:partying_face: yeey! That makes me happy :smile:

Tell me?

He is in CA, doing nothing after a hard day working and seeing some turtles and fishes.

:flushed: what?! :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:
For the exaggerated drama or the unnecessary use of emojis in my replies? :thinking:

Naa heā€™s the poor soul who has to talk with us :rofl:

I canā€™t quote the pic :confused: incredible beautiful message to start the day, man. Thanks for sharing it with us.

On topic:
Where should I start?
The tagging thing was about me talking about being single and how tired I felt about that. Unfortunately I fell asleep right after wrote that message. @framos1792 wrote that post at 2:00 my time. Honestly Iā€™m tired to be alone (in person, I mean) I just want to go out and have someone there to go nowhere and do nothing relevant.

Iā€™d give almost anything to meet you all in person and spend all the year together.

For the rest, I donā€™t read all, sorry. I lost track of whatā€™s happening here. But for the bit I read everything seems to be good enough to say you all are fine or doing well, thatā€™s something amazing. Love you all guys. Enjoy the Sunday and keep showing your love to this forum.


Ahhhh just realized from your saying that females do make more emojis than males haha accurate :smile:
But in your case i guess the expressions you put into text that makes me think you were a ā€œsheā€ lol excuse my apathy :v: :grin:

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Such a noble being you are lol

:face_with_monocle: Iā€™m not feeling the love here :face_with_monocle:

Tbh I gotta put in the overtime because you arenā€™t showing up as often dude :roll_eyes:
The prophets said you were the coming of my partner in mischief :unamused:

Lmao :rofl:

Itā€™s understandable that it was only I, the mighty stallion who you deemed the alpha male :triumph: :racehorse: :rofl:

Amen to this part lol

But me being away soothes the forums soul so who knows :upside_down_face: some people even stopped coming at my arrival :roll_eyes:

Bruh :expressionless:

This is a good point for my

What happened today :thinking:
Get to work, after some distasteful stuff to start off I unloaded a lil tractor I was using, go to start my work and hit a wasp nest/den/hive whatever you wanna call it :roll_eyes:
Mofos left me more prickly than a cactus(ok only 4 bad stings but still enough to piss me off :roll_eyes:
Couple hours pass by, Iā€™m chill by then riding my tractor up and down a hill minding my own beeswax(bit of a pun intended) when one of the pulleys on the track sheared completely off :roll_eyes:

The track came completely off :expressionless:
That top pulley with teeth is the geared one soooo I was left stranded mud hill with a dead tank
The service road to that backyard has some construction going on since itā€™s access to a lake thatā€™s maybe 50meters away so better yet only one way to get in :smile: backing up hitched to a trailer with only a couple feet to spare on each side, a ditch to cross, oak trees every so many feet, and a u turn to get to the tractor :partying_face:
Took a good half hour to hour just to get in there
Had to use the one good track and chain the bad side with a puller to load it up the stupid trailer inch by inch without a brake :rage: another hour gone, not to mention I was almost an hour away from the rental :angry:
Sighhhhā€¦rental place closed at 1 and there I was at 3 returning it because they graciously went back to let me take it in so wouldnā€™t be charged the $300 to rent for the day :sleepy:
If Iā€™m lucky and they fix it within a day they wonā€™t charge for the repair otherwise :skull: lol

So yeah that was my day, just needed to vent somewhere and this felt as good a place as any :crazy_face:

Being surprised by the turtles actually was a fun lil pick me up at the end of the day, I thought they were stone decorations as thereā€™s a ton of them laying around the property lol

Also saw Bambi and his brother and mum come fairly close by so that was cool tooā€¦ then later in the day I had venison jerky :smiling_imp: [spoiler]kidding lol[/spoiler]

So excuuuuuuse me if Iā€™m home doing nothing :roll_eyes: yes this last bit was full of sass and indignashun :triumph: :rofl:

No no no, you wanna go public on our little talks then letā€™s clear up your words, you want someone to go cuddle up with all cutesy like lil kittens gif-want me to add the gif Anna used? Cuz I will :roll_eyes: :rofl:
Pshhhh then you wonder why @turexidrosa thought you was chick #2 today :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You realize the physical, mental and emotional trauma that would cause? Not to mention the physical, material, monetary damage our destruction would cause?
This is why the almighties scattered ya to the four corners of the world :crazy_face: gotta dilute the damage :rofl:

Also, just FYI people! He says almost anything because the only thing he wouldnā€™t give up is his clash of clans account nor his among us game or whatever the heck itā€™s called :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You better stay or we will all tag you three times :triumph:


Nobody go back to count how many emojis I used in this post :flushed: :grimacing: :skull:
Fml thereā€™s three more :skull:
Crap :man_facepalming:
Dudeā€¦ :orangutan:
:man_in_manual_wheelchair: Batman out :crazy_face:


And you senior stallion you presumed i was a dude :rofl:
Of course i deemed you a male, you always said ā€œim your guy bla bla blaā€ from the very beginning lol :laughing:

:flushed: :innocent: well your user name made me think of tux-tuxedo-dude :grimacing:

:flushed: that donā€™t sound at all like me :exploding_head:
Oh wait :thinking: I remember that :rofl:
Iā€™m glad I had the forethought to clearly define myself then :crazy_face:

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:rofl:Frankly, my username is a combo of my internet name and my real name :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: picked that internet name out of nowhere but it sounds kinda ā€œleadingā€ right lol Im somekind of a genius lol

Good for you! :grin::grin::grin:

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Sunday morning, in bed and rolling (read it in the tune of sunday morning by maroon 5)ā€¦
I really enjoy reading your endless ā€œquote-answerā€ Ɨ10000000000 times per postā€¦I am too lazy to do it :joy:
I even use all my emojis in the same line :joy:
Have a nice day :two_hearts:


@georkost :joy: same hereā€¦ and itā€™s a pain in the ass to quote on mobile :sweat_smile:

:sunny::sunny: morning family :sunny::sunny:

after the first grey and rainy autumn day yesterday- sun is out today :sunny::sunny: veery niceā€¦ Iā€™m sitting here, having a jum and relaxed breakfast to start my dayā€¦

:joy::sweat_smile:all chores today :crazy_face: since I spend yesterday mostly and well deserved lazybutting on my couch with a blanket :partying_face::heart_eyes: was sooooo noiceeeeee!!

@evooba hang in there :muscle:t2::sunny::hugs:

@anna834 ty :hugs::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: stay strong :muscle:t2:

@Lilyope lol :joy: sooo sweet ! Youā€™re wonderful dear :hugs::blush:

@justinkilmer ty and without you sth is missed inhere :stuck_out_tongue: take care and charge well!!! BriBri sure is proud on you :tada::+1:t2:

@raz7 yeah I know- just wanted to mention how great it is and that we were all with you in thisā€¦ from the first steps :tada::tada: thanx for sharing it with us :hugs: any reaction to the collab idea?

@IronSoldier16 sheā€™ll find you! Iā€™m sure about this :hugs::two_hearts::cyclone::purple_heart:

Ot: Ketchup here,

ā€¦ since our batmouse ( lol the word is an autocomplete suggestion already ) is backā€¦ :joy::joy: @framos1792 is increasing and speeding up the traffic Inhereā€¦ :joy::sweat_smile: was at 129 unread after summer break ( 3 weeks ago) and back to 175 or sth :tired_face: :crazy_face::crazy_face: crrrraiiiizieeee :joy::rofl:

@LP13413 wow- :flushed:looks like a lot of pounds again :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Take care! Eat well !! Your muscles need fuel! ( lol I am sorry but the mums part of me immediately sends this msg :joy::joy:) but seriously you work very hard atmā€¦ respect :fist:t2: and lol the boss looks proud sitting on his new toy :partying_face::star_struck: have a good Sunday :sunny::sunny: and do you have to work today too?


:exploding_head: Iā€™m not solely to blame! :pleading_face:


Edit: ahhh the trick is to not sleep for half the night to be able to not only ketchup but also move the forum forward another 50 notifs :crazy_face:

Good night from here and enjoy your day! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart: lazybutting on Sunday permitted and encouraged!


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: hahaha :hugs::yellow_heart::heart: itā€™s wonderful dear :blush: I love seeing you interacting!!! - just I canā€™t ketchup :crazy_face: whatā€™s the time over there?! @framos1792

Edit: good goodnight late walker :sleeping: sweet dreams :thought_balloon: :hugs:

Edit 2: thaaaaaank youuuuu :tada::tada:


@framos GO TO SLEEP




[spoiler]ok Iā€™ll listen but you go get breakfast, go for a nice walk in this nice weather, and find some reasons to smile during the day :partying_face:[/spoiler]


Good morning :sunny:
Sleep tight other side :triumph: :crazy_face:

Letā€™s try and do a post :grin:

Heeeyy, where are you now? :pleading_face: Donā€™t disappear! You seem to just not believe it. You are such a funny, kind, loveable person. This place is home to you and you contribute to make it home for us. :revolving_hearts:

Lots of strength for this. :muscle: :muscle: Places here are packed with people, even under the week. They group together, drink and eat like the end of the world is near. Sigh, and can I really blame them? Itā€™s probably true, just that they donā€™t realise, that itā€™s there behaviour that lead to it.

Just do it! :triumph: At least today :angry: :crazy_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Totally right so :relieved:

You have no idea :expressionless:
.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

Yeah! Happy for you :partying_face:

Ha, ha, ha, you are just awesome! Love you :green_heart: :purple_heart: :green_heart:

Besser nicht :joy: :rofl:

:thinking: Canā€™t see any relation, donā€™t make everything about you :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not good as any. Itā€™s the place for it. :hugs: :bat: :hugs:

Oh, were are you from :face_with_monocle: I put you over the pond :joy:

@LP13413 couldnā€™t come up with something to quote from your post. But love to see the pictures and explanations. Oh, and the cats! :heart_eyes_cat:

Apropo cats @Linkineli :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: you owe us tons of cute cat pics :triumph: :kissing_heart:

@turexidrosa whatā€™s up with you? What are you doing? Iā€™m actually curious about your life :grin:

@HakManLP victory is mine :partying_face: :sunglasses: :hugs: :green_heart: :white_heart: :joy:

Getting interrupted and interrupted
But the onions should sleep by now :triumph: :point_up: :sleeping:
Mornings are always good :grin: I feel good :blush:
Even so the night was as always hard.
We had new medication, and yes, it dimmed my grandma. She couldnā€™t kick and yell. But still claw her hands and wisper Help and Away. Didnā€™t felt good at all. But my Berlin uncle is here, and we have a very trusting bond.
And yeah, having you all with me. Itā€™s soooo helping. Even so

I wish for this :revolving_hearts: itā€™s already so much more, as I ever had. And I actually donā€™t know how I would go through this nights without you

And to know, I canā€™t bother you, cause itā€™s actually your days, oh, I stop, before I tear up here. :rofl:

@lpfan61 good morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Done :joy:
:hugs: :green_heart:


Greece. Mediterranean pond :grin::grin::grin:


Here in my airchair.

If only I had a cap of invisibilty, who knows?

:blush: Talk to me like this, please! Always! :rofl: I keep promising myself that I will post something everyday but itā€™s hard to keep my promise if I have nothing to sayā€¦

Seems like good news that the sun has been seen over Germany! We had rainy Saturday followed now by even more rainy Sunday.

Why donā€™t you keep bouncing around, Tigger?

Who recognizes these 2 guys?