HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Yees​:star_struck::hugs:i bet you’re a cool tourist guide!:blush: at some time i will come to kassel for sure.:metal:

That’s so cool!:heart_eyes:

Aah love this!:heart_eyes::sunglasses:
And between your three i would choose Brad​:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:but also look at mike!:grin::heart_eyes:

Oh that one looks beautiful too,i love the whole sign on the ground,i defenitely need to go there❤and it’s great that you have been there just at the day after release😊

Me too.:heart::metal:and the picture is a great shot from chester​:heart_eyes:
Thank you for your great weekend Post!:heart_eyes::heart::heart_eyes::heart:

I’m gonna watch that one with my dad too probably! :joy:Watching Bundesliga together is like the most dad thing to spend time with us right?:blush::joy:

Your loving and motivating posts give me everytime a good feeling!:heart_eyes::hugs::hugs:and thanks for all the good things you sent,i need the positivity and strength​:heart_eyes::heart::heart::muscle:also back to you,enjoy your weekend, stay as awesome as you are and don’t forget that YOU ROCK too!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:



:thinking: :open_mouth: oh alright little yoda is cute, now im curious about that series but first i have to finish The Witcher :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really good :slight_smile: and I am a biig friends fan, you can ask about anything :joy: How’s your day so far btw?


Hey guys! How are all of you feeling today? :+1: :+1:3ef8e17843d6037edb0dc217f3d74150


Good evening to this side :milky_way:
Good morning to the other :sunrise:
@Honey8 :heart: sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite :sleeping:

Yesterday at noon a stomach bug did a hard fast landing. So while already vomiting I hurried to finish fencing, cause I expected the weakness coming with this :face_vomiting: and after I did just fall into bed, drifting in and out of sleep.
But it got better during the night. :blush:

Thanks :hugs:
:grimacing: already got a whole lecture by @IronSoldier16 on too or to and of or off, still get it wrong :roll_eyes:

Don’t talk about lasagna :flushed: it was dinner yesterday evening, and I :zipper_mouth_face:
:laughing: :hugs:

:partying_face: :partying_face: yeah! Trains my english :grin:

Really thank you for the report and the pics! :tada: I get so excited! :exploding_head: Offenbach, I’m coming! :partying_face:
Hey @HakManLP you too! :upside_down_face:

They are? :astonished: I have mine for over 10 years now, it was cheap back then. But the quality is bad and my laptop isn’t playing the DVDs :expressionless:

:joy: :rofl: sorry Rachel, so worth it. And if you’re into star wars, you will love it too! :heart_eyes:

Just had the “we were on a break”. Sigh :confounded: watched that often and still hit me :sob:

Yeah! :partying_face: Here too, rushed way to fast through it.

As for me, I can enjoy this already with rain at the freezing point :blush: so keep your :cold_face:

Every strip of bacon you eat shortens your live expectations by 9 minutes, they say.
I died in 1773.


We are here! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wow! Thanks! Your Friday posts are just awesome! Really something to look forward to. :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face:

:partying_face: :grimacing:

That’s so your picture :grin: :hugs:

@theearlywalker miss you! Stay strong! :hugs: :blue_heart:

@anomalia :revolving_hearts:

@drounzer :muscle: :hugs: :heart:

@melisLP :hugs: :green_heart:

@AJ_7 :wave: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@jrtrussell last onion standing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :hugs:

@birdy1989 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Still a little weak today.
But we had to move the flock, not far, just a mile. But with all this new born lambs, even such a short trip is totally nerv wracking.
The little lambs know nothing, not to walk on a road, not to follow the shepherd, or other sheep, don’t know the dog or any kind of rules. So they jump in all directions. The mums are super concerned about there babys, run after them, follow the shepherd, turn and run after the lambs again. Then, they keep the contract by constantly yelling after there spouses and vice versa.
So we are already more people.
One in front, so the sheep know wich direction and to hold the once who think, this all could get fast, from running.
Two in the back, shoo lambs and moms, carrying lambs that don’t want to walk at all.
And the dogs have to work the sides, so no one leaves the road onto the neighbours farmland.
With all this noise, the dogs can’t hear me. So I can’t really command anything and have to trust them, that they know where to be and do there job.
And it worked!!! We arrived well. No lost lamb. All farm land still intact! Lille especially did an awesome job! :partying_face:
Really tired now! :relaxed:


Enjoying my day off, and still looking for laptop stickers. Right now, I’m trying to decide between, not the placement, but which of these I want to use.



I ended up picking out a different LP sticker than the ones I shared here. I bought a few non-music ones as well. The band stickers I chose were Against Me!, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.


Just came back home. Spent the afternoon and evening with friends. We have family over tomorrow all day, will be a long one. Can’t believe my holidays are almost over, the week has gone by so fast!

@anna834 hope you’re better!


Hello!! I’m sorry for not being here much… :pleading_face: everything’s fine, I’m just really busy with work… working everyday (saturdays too) plus friday had to replace a collegue who is sick and did 12 hours work :muscle: :ghost: I so needed sleep that today I woke up at 11:00 am :laughing:

:heart: :heart_eyes: I so like your words here :blush: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: just had breakfast :crazy_face:

Wishing all soldiers a nice relaxing sunday! :sun_with_face:


:sunny::sunny: good Sunday morning guys :sunny::sunny: I’m a bit busy atm - still checking in here everyday and ketchup but mostly after that time‘s already over… :joy:, so I’m in lurker mode- and always here - sending love and bonecrushers to you all :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs:

… aaaand ofc squishies :hugs::hugs::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: to the wonderful creator of the legendary WEP @HakManLP :heart_eyes: which means so much to me :blush: - looking at it makes me just feel like celebrating :partying_face:

@evooba time’s so fast… yes, I enjoyed every happy post from you the whole week :sunny::sunny::sunny: I definitely could sense your great mood, joy and love :sunny::yellow_heart::partying_face:… in them- . I’m just happy for you :blush:

@anna834 happy everything worked out yesterday :blush: and thanx for caring :hugs::yellow_heart::kissing_heart:, I always miss you too when you’re not posting here… and yeah, I so feel you - my english improved so much since I’m here… thanx to the guys here- so let me try to clear the confusion about the too = auch and to: zu - used as preposition … and off: ausmachen, beenden and of: von - used as preposition … hope it’s a bit clearer? I always had trouble with life/ live, then/than safe/save… but the guys were so patiently in explaining … only great - take care dear and cuddles to Lille :blush::hugs:

@lpfan61, @drounzer, @anomalia, @raz7 and @everybody reading this: have a great day, :sunny::sunny::sunny: and stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: :yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: browsing…

@LP13413 good morning Andy :sunny::sunny::sunny: happy to read you can relax this weekend- and maybe you show us how the laptop looks now? I’m cuuurious :grin:


Hey everyone! :heart:

@anna834, @theearlywalker, @zanybelle, @HakManLP, @lplove
I’ve been very busy with work, but also a friend of my needed me these days. And i had to make time to be there for her. She has some relationships problems. So I will take a quick break from the LPF to be there for her. More of our friends are there for her. My work is still busy and ive got some other private stuff to take care off. I hope you all respect my choice to take a step back. :raised_hands: :heart:

@anna834 love you to! :heart: im a enforcer. I do some police work. I controle streets, parking spaces, when people need to find the way i help them. I give fines to people who did something wrong. Sometimes i have to arrest someone, depends on the situation. :policeman: so yeah that’s my work.

@HakManLP these are for you! ( and the rest ofcourse to!) :metal: :heart:




@zanybelle i will come back for more LP lyrics. :heart: From the Inside is a very facking good song. To throw stuff away :sweat_smile:

@theearlywalker have a wonderful day to :sunglasses:

@lplove how are you?! :heart:

Much love people.


Of course take care of you’re friend, take as much time as you need. We all understand!
I just met my nephew yesterday and am having mixed emotions (long story) but am better from before, thank you. I hope you’re okay, besides your friend? If ya need anything, my email: binx0822@gmail.com

Love the pix.





Hi everyone,i finally have some time for being here now.(i still have to study for a test tomorrow but i need this break😁)
The party went surprisingly well​:sob::heart:and i am so relieved. I mean,it was a bit akward to meet my friend,but it was good that she was there. I still have no idea how it will be in the future,how things will be if she comes back and blahblah,but for the moment it’s fine and i am so happy for her,she looks so much better,.has gained weight and when we where watching a movie she even asked for popcorn and ate it even though she NEVER usually eats any sweets. And during the film,she took my hand and held it,and we both were saying sorry without any words for everything that had happend and when she had to go(she had to go back to the clinic over night),it was one of the tightest hugs ever given. (Sorry for getting that dramatic but it really has been like that​:grin:)
So,back to normal,i am also so happy about the first snow here! I think it was snowing the whole night and the snow-covered trees look beautiful😍


Your sheep story sounds very stressing,glad it turned out good!:heart::sheep:(i always enjoy your reports about them​:blush:)

That’s cool,i need some stickers for my laptop too!:heart_eyes: did you buy them online?or where else do you find good stickers,do you have any recommendations?

Holiday time always flies so fast…:joy::frowning:

Thanx😊you too!

Thank youu​:hugs::hugs::hugs:glad you’re still checking in here​:heart_eyes:even though you’re busy.
Love and squishies back to you!:heart::heart:

I hope she will be soon ok again!:heart::hugs:
And loved your pix!:heart_eyes::blush:
@lplove also yours are great :joy::heart_eyes:
@evooba hi to you!:hugs::heart:

Here is some love for all of you​:heart::heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs:take care of yourselves!:blush::heart:


Had a lovely day with family and close friends! I now need to pack for tomorrow, my flight is early afternoon so I’ll be leaving early in the morning.

Hope you all had/are having a great weekend! :slight_smile:


It is definitely my picture, just wished I heard of Rammstein sooner. My younger self would have screamed the house down if I saw that picture. Apparently, Till and Chester were close friends and Richard Z Kruspe, (or Richard Zee K for Rammstein fans :slight_smile: ) wanted Chester as a guest vocalist for an upcoming Emigrate song.


Meanwhile on topic, reading Till’s poetry book, On Quiet Nights. It was translated from German to English but OMG, some of his poems are so small but so effective. For example, there’s two of them that I love.

What does one lose
in the blink of an eye?
The moment?
Many, time
Some, consciousness
Several, life.


Tears are not to be seen in water
nor tasted if you drown in the drink
they are mixed in with other tears
while to the ocean’s ground you sink


Happy Sunday to all of you :couch_and_lamp:

Pics please :grin: :hugs:

Thank you! :blush:
Loved your vacations :grin: hope this feeling will carry for some time.

You should be! :triumph:
:hugs: :green_heart: :heart: :green_heart: :heart:

:grimacing: I hope. But really thank you! :blush:

Yeah, me too. :grimacing:

:pleading_face: :pleading_face: :hugs: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart:

Of course! Always do what’s right for you. :muscle:
Doesn’t change, that you always have a place with us, are missed and get poking tags :laughing: :hugs: :heart:

Thanks for sharing! Happy for you! :hugs: :green_heart:

Careful who you encourage here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks for posting :star_struck:

@Lilyope :woman_cartwheeling: :love_you_gesture: :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

@anomalia cakeday girl :princess: love our Irving talk :revolving_hearts:

Tired again.
But it was a ok day, lot of fencing.
One mom with twins. But she is very caring and did follow me with the lambs willingly on the trailer. So I could bring them to the barn. Ewes with twins always get inside.



No worries hon, I hope your friend is okay as that’s the important thing :hugs:. Your job sounds really interesting! I always thought you were a chef :shallow_pan_of_food: :laughing: Lots more LP lyrics to share in future! :heart: Thanks for checking in and all the pictures :grinning:


For everybody asking, I ordered stickers last night from various websites, so they’ll be arriving by mail throughout the week+.

Today, I was working on folding some laundry until, well…



:joy: :joy: :rofl:

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:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Monday rrrrrring :alarm_clock: get up to rise and shine everybody :sunny::sunny: it’s week 4 … so let’s stay strong :muscle:t2: and do what we have to - best of luck to y’all today :blush::rainbow: whatever you do- you never walk alone :hugs::yellow_heart:

@Linkineli thank you- extra special bonecrusher :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for you today :blush:

@evooba safe travels :sunny:

@drounzer awwww - so great- your friend can be glad to have you :blush::hugs: take care and thx for the pics

@anna834 sweet picture :blush: hope you have a calm day today :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 loool :joy: furby :cat: on laundry :basket: - how nice :grin:- in good times and bad times :joy::sweat_smile: sleep well Andy and let him warm your feet :foot: