HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

It’s at 32:48 in the tribute show shown if you want that version​:woman_shrugging::heart:
We just got a book in school in english to read,it’s “how I live now” by meg rosoff,does anyone know if that’s a good one? I probably will like it bc i love most books but yeah😊
Now i have to study physics​:persevere:i’m so bad at it even though i find it interesting,but i’m scared of tomorrow​:open_mouth::open_mouth:
I hope everyone has a good monday!:heart::muscle:




@HakManLP Yeah, tattoo talk.

@Linkineli That book is amazing! I read it a few years ago, it was part of Anna’s book club.

@rickvanmeijel Congrats!!! When do you start?

OT: Crazy day at work (check when and where thread). Glad to be off tomorrow, need to do my last Christmas shopping since I’m working non stop till the 28th or so.


Ooh great! Didn’t know that it was in her book club,cool to know,thanks​:heart_eyes::hugs:

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Thank you! I start in February and I’ll finish in June (hopefully :sweat_smile: )


Good evening! :fog:
Good day! :sunny:
Good night @honey :milky_way:

Work is done!! Relaxing evening to you! :relaxed: :hugs: :green_heart:

Maybe Santa reads here too. :santa: :hugs: :orange_heart:
Mine sure did, as you can see further above. :grin:
Even if I fear, it was probably more the Easter Bunny reading. :laughing:

And? How many hours? :sleeping: :hugs: :blue_heart:

Awesome! :partying_face: :hugs: :heart:
Maybe one day. :sunglasses:

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

:confounded: but it’s over! You’ve done it! :muscle: Relaxing evening to you! :relaxed: :hugs: :heart_decoration:

:partying_face: Congratulations! :tada:
Thanks for sharing your blog, already on your playlist, awesome so far! :blush: :hugs: :brown_heart:
Oh, right now the LP cover burn it down by Devin Santi :astonished: I love it!

Love that book!! Came to it through the movie. Really awesome movie, one of my favourite! But read it first to get your own pictures. The story is great, but even more I love the way of writing!
Have fun! :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Enjoy this day! :tada:

@lilyope hug for you! :woman_cartwheeling: :hugs: :purple_heart:

@drounzer whats up with you? :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@justinkilmer sorry! But weekend is over! :triumph: :hugs: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Anna Marias :revolving_hearts:
@anomalia :hugs: @anngelenee :hugs:

For the first Christmas day, I did reservations for me and my son in an burger restaurant. Hopefully for three. And I just now received a massage from my daughter, she reconsidered and will join. :partying_face: :partying_face:



What the hell? This was my idea! :unamused: I thought it’d be an LP chat thread so you can post everything from songs, artwork, quotes of lyrics and also to discuss all LP topics such as questions or thoughts on albums or particular songs…


@rickvanmeijel so so so happy to hear this! Congratulations :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: Thank you for the tag! This made my day!

@drounzer I see you typing! Have an awesome day!

@HakManLP @anna834 @lpfan61 Have an awesome day!

@LP13413 I hope you and Thurman are both doing well!

Have a great day/night everyone!


Oh sorry… i missed that… :grimacing: my bad… so any ideas? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I like to share more LP things, lyrics, clothing, pictures…
I just think that maybe it’s a good idea to keep it in this topic… i think :thinking:
But if your up to it to make a separate topic , then sure I’m good with that to… :laughing:

Good, but busy. The company I’m gonna work for want me directly, so I’m doing some test now… some physical test and mind control test to see how i respond on different situations. What im doing good or wrong.
They are tests to see how you are and where your qualities lie. And how you see yourself in this world and where you want to show qualities. And how you think how you can make society better. Because I become a enforcer, they will watch how I react to behavior and exchanges. So yeah… :laughing:
How are you? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Like 6, I guess. I don’t remember what rime I got up :upside_down_face:

On topic: I’m on vacations now, maybe I play Minecraft (yeah, I’m already bored :joy:)


Hey guys :wave:
Does anyone know where was this pic taken? I know it’s at mammoth lakes but at which exact place? :thinking:


Ot: it’s 1:40am… I’d love to say that I’m trying to sleep but… :upside_down_face: :grin:


Watching hockey


Could always ask Adam, he’s there now… on vacation. Lol

Edit: I’ve made contact with Adam. @LP13413 I forgot about that picture. I sent Adam that picture as well. Hopefully we’ll get an answer. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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@lpaniist https://www.instagram.com/p/BeeYgs7B984/?hl=en

On topic, going to bed.


Nooo, I’m trying to find it for Adam :joy: I saw that he’s there and asked him if he would do the Dave’s challenge and he said he has no clue where that place is :grin: otherwise he would do it


Oooohhhh. Well maybe he’ll ask Dave, Mike or Anna so he can do the challenge. My bad. Hahaha.

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It’s fine :blush: I literally searched through the whole internet and didn’t find a single information about that place… So I tried to ask here if anyone knows…

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Who do you cheer for? :blush:

Thank you too! :hugs: Enjoy the playlist!

Thank you for the support!! :hugs:


Good morning my family. I up early in the morning geting ready for work. I’ll be off tomorrow and Thursday. I can’t wait to say home in sleep. . I hope u all are having a good day so far.