HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Got myself a new necklace… :blush:DSC_0714


Wow that’s beautiful! Not too huge or so but still that big to be recognized(and it deserves to be recognized!):heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Yess​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:thanks as always for great pictures :blush:i don’t know where i would be without music…or what life would be without it,and without knowing lp…:grimacing:i am soooo glad to be able to live with it!

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Nice, about how big is that? :thinking::purple_heart:

Dumbed uni, it was completely useless going there today. Didn’t do anything new so I left during the break and came back home to work on my assignment.

We have guests coming tomorrow to stay for about 2 weeks so I really hope they won’t interfere too much with my studying.

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@Fravaco where do you have it from?

Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving in the States, and we were originally going to host my grandparents for dinner. However, thanks to my sister coming home from school with the flu, that’s not happening. My dad’s spending his day with them tomorrow, and we’ll do dinner here or something.

On topic, I spent my day doing nothing. I don’t have to work again until Friday, and then Sunday, so I’m enjoying the hell out of any time off I can get.


Bc of family issues, we are having 1 thxgiving this year & I don’t even wanna go bc it’s with the hubbys side. :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

On topic. I’ve become an extreme recluse bc I no longer have multiple doctor appointments during the week and haven’t for a few months. So I don’t need or wanna go anywhere. I stopped crocheting in September (that’s another story) and hubby annoys me lately. :pensive: I’m just realizing that today was a bad day. :sob:

For those in the States, have a good thxgiving. :purple_heart:


Take a big hug my dear! :hugs::green_heart:

Tomorrow seems to be nationwide disaster day over the pond :flushed:
Stay strong!:muscle:
Keep it up!:heart:
Be sure, Christmas will follow soon. :christmas_tree:

Happy Thanksgiving! :turkey:

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Thank you. :hugs::purple_heart:

What do you mean by disaster? Weather?

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Family :upside_down_face:

Oh yea, thxgiving and xmas always seem like good holidays but I think most families have at least 1 or 2 arguements… quite irritating actually.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: that legit made me laugh

I’m “volunteering “
It’s what I told fam :lying_face::crazy_face:

Welcome to the club :partying_face:

Ot: family arrived, playing host by being on the phone as is customary :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Happy early thanksgiving to all not just here in the states :partying_face: no need to have a “day” to give appreciation

Thanks to this community for being there as whatever every person needs
For all the friendships, personal connections, and moments of fun and joy
Happy thanksgiving once more, big hug and don’t forget to hug those around you and thank them for who they are :slightly_smiling_face:


Watching @framos1792 and @theearlywalker type
Francisco, you should put a copyright on your words :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Exchanging a hug with @lplove

Laughing about a joke by @LP13413

Getting a like by @anomalia

It’s six in the morning, I really hadn’t enough sleep, again.
But you already made me laugh, warm and happy!
Thank you for that!
Great day and night to you all!
Have to run


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny: since my family shrunk massively I don’t have trouble with that anymore… but what makes me think is that I never realized before how near (timewise) thxgiving and xmas are… wooow :thinking: it really makes me wonder…

and it annoys me that after Halloween now the „black Friday“ consumption war swaps over the ocean… I don’t think this can go together with sustainability…

@lplove take a big hug- :hugs::hugs::hugs: and honestly if you don’t feel like going out - stay at home, try to not judge yourself for this or force yourself to do stuff you don’t want to do- just to fullfill expectations… the higher the acceptance for yourself becomes- the sooner you will feel better

@anna834 :hugs::yellow_heart: good morning- I see you typing… take care and keep yourself warm :hugs:

@justinkilmer wow -I love your changing mugs :heart_eyes: and I can really sense the joy about the free days in your post… :grin: enjoy :wink:

@evooba :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Take care!

@Fravaco veeeery nice necklace :heart_eyes:

@HakManLP I think you can switch the email notification off in your account settings… :thinking:

Ot :coffee:

@LP13413 hope your sis recovers quickly- take care to not get infected - why not going with your dad to see them? However- enjoy your free days … and sleep well Andy :blush::hugs:


I’m considering it, but also, every time I step into that house, I have an allergic reaction to my aunt’s cat. She’s had cats in that house for years, and it’s been like that for years.


Ohh :open_mouth:- that really sucks… sorry to hear that… - however you decide, important is that you feel good :hugs:


Good morning people. :hugs:
After some busy days, ive got some time to check in.
A lot of happend i read. :face_with_monocle:
In the last days i got a lot of job meeting. My mind is blowing apart from the talking and focusing on what they say, it’s very exhausting to keep you focus for 1,5 - 2 hour meeting.
Im in bed now. Woke up! @theearlywalker, good morning! :kissing_heart: how are ya? Ready for a new day?

It was good, a different good, :sweat_smile: it was refreshing what they did in Frozen 2. Im not gonna spoiler things, if someone still needs to watch it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but it was nice how they made the movie. Some very new things have changed. :slightly_smiling_face:
How are you doing sweetie? :kissing_heart:

Hey! :heart: yeah good good, the cat was very useful :joy: but it was good to help my friend out. We started talking and nice to catch up after a while :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
How are you doing? :blush:

Yesterday my Collector ticket from Sum 41 was delivered. Now i can go to the concert in Amsterdam :love_you_gesture:

How do you all thinks about the "black Friday "? Ive read and heard on the radio, that it is one big lie. They prices are the same, it one big mindf*ck. I don’t like that kind of things… :unamused:

Today I’m going to spend the day with my mom. Some mom/son time. :blush:

Have a good people! Much love to you all! :heart:

be yourself, accept yourself, be brave, be awesome and be loved




Heading out to uni soon. Spent the morning working on my assignment a bit and keeping my flatmate’s friend company (she’s visiting from Germany for the week). I still have a lot to do but I’m confident I’ll finish everything on time, good thing I have tomorrow off completely.
I’m also waiting on some stuff to arrive, it feels like Xmas is a big deal all of a sudden. I wish it wasn’t, it’s my least favourite holiday of the year.

To those celebrating today, Happy Thanksgiving :slight_smile:


Yeah i heard that too,and it annoyes me. Adds everywhere…And,so much unnecessary stuff gets bought😣i think it’s only good if you have sonething expensive and you wait to buy for exactly that day.
To the picture: i love it! All your pictures have such a high quality👏

Happy thanksgiving to anyone celebrating!:heart:
And to christmas time: i love the cozy evenings,how it’s dark outside to see all the houses’ lights on when you walk by,cozy clothes,tea,peaceful people on christmas evening and joyful kids. Buut i absoluteky don’t like the hype of you HAVE to buy all kinds of stuff,how shops extremely decorated already two weeks ago and how too many are stressed out with Shopping. I love to give something to friends and family and to pick different gifts for everybody,but you don’t have to buy something,bc personal things(like i often make chocolates)are great,too! And i love ice skating ,so i’m looking forward to the holiday​:grin::blush: