HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?


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Good Morning all!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Great challenge! You never know a smile could brighten up some one else’s day! Or yeah like you said they’ll just think you’re a lunatic… close enough :joy:

@evooba Yuck!! sorry your day off didn’t go as planned! or at all I guess… hopefully work went well though!

OT: at work with my first cup o’ coffee! Remembered today Skillet releases their new album (which I preordered lol :joy:) but I get to start my day off seeing how the album is!

Hope everyone here has a great Friday!!


In an Uber going home. Today was bloody challenging. I don’t even know how we managed. Had an emergency meeting with the council as well that thankfully went alright, or as expected at least. We have lots to figure out the coming months.

Will try and relax at home, maybe eat some ice cream or something. My LP merch was due to arrive today as well, so hopefully I’ll find it waiting at home.

EDIT: No merch, no one was here to collect it so they just left a note.


@evooba Definitely have some Ice Cream! I think you’ve deserved it!
Hoping the LP merch is waiting for you as well!!


Relaxing after another long day of work. I came home to my mom helping my dad clip some of the bushes in the backyard, so I stepped in and gave them a hand. We also just finished dinner, so I’m in for the night.


@anngelenee go here for Kerrang magazines…

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Have a great night guys or morning depending on your time zone. I love you all

Ot. I feel really sleepy so I am going to sleep


Hey you all!! :hugs:

Waking up way to early, listening to music, reading Kerrang! Magazine thanks to @Fravaco :heart: and waiting to get tired enough to sleep some more.
Happy weekend to you all! :partying_face:
All on summer vacation, get your recreation! :desert_island:
And for the working squad, stay strong! :muscle:

Love, Peace, Empathy :heart:

P.s. If someone is interested, I uploaded the lamb story I wrote for you in my blog, with some more pictures:


Morning all :sunny::sunny::sunny: Hugs to you @evooba :muscle:t2: reading your post made me think once again they would be lost without you … @LP13413 you are only nice- coming home from work and jumping in immediately to give them a hand… great guy you are :+1:t2: and thanx for sharing @anna834 will read it asap… have a good day you all - :hugs::sunny:wherever you are -:hugs: whatever you do :yellow_heart:- you’re not alone!

Ot: browsing

Sending strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: to the working people @lpfan61 :hugs::heart: Stay strong dear :blush:


Hey @theearlywalker :heart:
Thank you!
For you, read this one:

It’s so far my favourite and the one I show the most.

Lots of :heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::brown_heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: for you

Reading this blog entry again, I have a little head shaking for myself. This entry is from December! I was out of all energy back then. And did I slow down thins then? No. I got more help, yes, thanks to you all. But running on low batteries ever thins.
I have to stop wondering and start doing some more!


Chilling after another hard week, meeting family later for lunch :smiley:


Like I posted in the music thread:

I’m a little bit shocked, because I’m getting older :rofl:
This masterpiece is now 16 years old and it’s still one of my favorite albums and live albums. I’m still wondering why my #1 song ‘Breaking the habit’ didn’t make it to the setlist.
The ‘not so popular’ songs like ‘Don’t stay’, ‘Figure.09’ or ‘Lying from you’ are so good and a little bit better than the live versions of ‘In the End’ or ‘Numb’ on this CD/DVD

So I’m enjoying this masterpiece now with some coffee and cookies :laughing::sunglasses::metal:t2::heart_eyes:


Thanks a lot! :slight_smile: Now i have to search for original issue :joy::sob: I like to feel the paper in my hands :thinking::joy:

Have a nice day everybody :sunny:


Hey Chris - nice you show up- it’s been a while since I saw a post from you- enjoy your lunch - and lol :joy: @HakManLP I like to reveal a secret to you: now it starts that each year passes faster, faster aaaand faster :joy::joy: remember? Time is a valuable thing…

Ot: still chilling in bed yaaaay :tada: I’m the lucky one today :blush::joy:


Cheers yeah I’m gonna try posing more often now, I’m just too lazy :+1: :laughing:


Good to hear you’re well :blush: and yeah- would be nice if you show up more often :+1:t2:

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Watching That 70s Show.

Went swimming at my brother’s house yesterday. My SIL and I did some day drinking and swimming obviously. Ended up getting pizza at some point. I’m so sunburnt. My nephew took me home (he’s 16) and told me I’m not allowed to drink with his mom anymore :rofl::joy:


:joy::joy::joy: sounds like a great evening lol

Relaxing on my day off with Thurman in front of the first game of a double-header. It’s such a nice day, I might also squeeze a bike ride in at some point.


Right on my way out the door to do so! :hugs:
Have fun! :wave: