HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

:joy::joy::joy: I’m not a duck :neutral_face::joy:

Ot: came to bed at 10pm saying I’d go to bed right away…almost 3.5 hours later still here :expressionless:
Night from here… happy Wednesday Europe! :hugs:


Fly free little duck :duck:


Good goodnight :bat:- switch the phone off now :stuck_out_tongue: and turn around under your cozy blanket :sleeping_bed:

Btw - anybody else already had the pleasure with the new edit- controlling window popping up when you wanted to edit a post? I had to fill in a reason before I could edit my post- guys seriously? @lpuhq ? What for?


Searching for Kerrang! from 13 july (Special Edition) :expressionless:

Good morning :sunny:

I’m super busy rn I working til early noon to evening so sorry that can answer on some pm’s on time especially @Honey8 :pray:t4:


Funny weather today, said it would be sunny, no rain and yet it’s pissing down.
Yesterday was a bad one at work so my manager and I need to pick up the pieces today. Let’s see.

Have a great day everyone :slight_smile:


It’s exactly the same as the game on the Xbox, but I love it :joy: it was in discount in the Nintendo E Shop

I had, thank you so much :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: how are you doing? :kissing_heart:

Cool :smiley::smiley: enjoy them!

Take care hun, hope your dad is doing okay :heart: I do believe you somehow feel when something is up with your loved ones, I had that too a couple times before. Keep us updated?

And this ofc, beautifully said @Fravaco :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks :smiley: I love it too haha

And to add to that:
OT: I’m feeling pretty good again :smiley: had a great day yesterday, my husband, Masha and I went out with my husband his parents their boat. Had a great day, went swimming with Masha and just relax! Today a relaxing day as well and tonight out to dinner for my husband his Birthday! It’s actually tomorrow, but he has to work all day tomorrow :yum:
Only concern: one of the side effects off the antidepressants is that I get bruisses. The psychiatrist says that if it won’t get less I might have to stop with the medicine :confused: so I’m doing my best not to bump into things (which is difficult for me since I’m really clumsy…). So we’ll see how this ends. For now, I’m just enjoying the fact I don’t feel misserable and anxious all day :slightly_smiling_face:


Did it!
I just did it!
Hit send and my book manuscript is on the way to the publisher!
I know that there are weeks to come before anything further will happen.
But it’s out! :muscle:
After it was in my care since I was 12.
Fly free my book!:crazy_face:


Good morning all!

alright :joy: so basically I wouldn’t be missing much lol I already own it on playstation so good to go there :joy::joy:

Thank you :smile: There has too be something connected some way some how. I will definitely make sure too keep everyone updated as we learn more!

Sounds like you had a great day overall yesterday!! Thats great to hear! :smile: Hope dinner is great and that your husband has a great birthday! (Even if he has to work yuck :joy:)
Hopefully the bruises are just a small side effect that don’t last long and you can stay on the antidepressants! Hoping you have a great day!!

lol I will definitely have to come up with something now! :joy: :joy:

Yay!! That exciting!!

Glad you can take a break from melting! The rain will feel nice

Was just about to hit send when i saw this! Yay! Congrats!! and good luck! :tada::smile:

OT: At work… woke up today to a stuffed animal massacre from the little demon known as a 6 month old corgi :joy: and then I got a call today from my parents that their kitty had passed away over night, so I was asked to come help with him :crying_cat_face:

On a bright note! I have a bunch of coffee and and full of energy… but thinking one more cup can’t hurt…
Until then I just have some good rock music playing and jamming out :headphones::metal:


It was alright, nothing too special.

On topic, dinner time!

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No worries i am same lost :joy: I didn’t even check twitter, wordpress since a week. I don’t know what msges are there. :hugs: Just stay fine that’s what matters. :heart:

@anna834 Thank you for sweet wishes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning guys :hugs::hugs::blush: have a great pre-Friday- weekend already is knocking on our doors- for the working squad: hang in there guys… hope you have some free time ahead soon :muscle:t2::blush:

Ot: :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops:

Have a great afternoon @LP13413 :blush:


First time out burning this year :blush:
Marshmallow timeeeee


I found something :crazy_face:


I’m so booooooooooooored… being forced to do nothing while your mind is doing overtime sucks

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Write poetryyy :thinking::joy:

Be bored

never been very poetry minded…
And I feel the need to do something that requires an effort but I am forbidden :roll_eyes:

I’m too bored to do so :yawning_face:

What do I care

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Yeah! You ignored me last night!