HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

So, one’s sick for a couple of days and one can immediatly take another sick day to read all the new posts and replies here… how am I gonna explain this to my doctor. :grin:

on topic:

  • read the forum
  • read some more…

Oh man, that’s awful… I have an autoimmune disease and they are very difficult to diagnose… Even now after 13 years there’s still discussion if they diagnosed correctly because some autoimmune disease are very similar to each other.
I recognize the spasms and so but the blood loss is very strange. Never heard of that in an autoimmune disease. I hope they’ll find what is going on. It’s always difficult to accept a disease and especially if there’s no clear diagnose.
If you will, keep me updated how he’s doing…


now you got me craving for pizza also :pizza:


Off work and officially on holidays! I can’t believe it! I leave in literally 12 hours!

@theearlywalker Good luck with the move!

@birdy1989 Sending strength, you can do this!


Lurking, and also renewing my LPU account for another year!


wish you the best vacation! And good regeneration! :fountain:

Happy that you are well again! :wave:

hope your shoulder are better. Take care!
Our parents generation never learned that, so they’re not good at seeing what is to much. On the other hand, I’m probably the same age as your parents :see_no_evil: it’s just the description of your father, it sounds like mine. :laughing:

Wish you a good night and the best of dreams. The first dream in a new home should come true. :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Two days ago, I worked from 8AM to 9PM and was so exhausted.
We had to bring the flock near the barn, and had to prepare the barn for the shearing the next day.
Today I can see that half of my exhaustion was due to my worry for the shearing days.
How could I feel so worn-out and my back already hurting so much, when the real work just starts tomorrow?
And with that more demons started talking. Can I really going on with this hard job? How can I whining, the farmers I am helping right now are already above 60.
And I said that I can’t carry and set the sheep to the shearer. All I have to do is stuff wool. And on it went.
Now, two days later, all sheep are naked, up and jumping. And it was the easiest shearing I ever had. There were enough people, so we could shoulder the workload ok. Sure the three shearer and the one guy who carried the sheep had a hard job. But they weren’t cursing and very kind to the sheep and to us too.
So, again and again and again, all my worries for nothing!

Oh, that’s a long one.
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for being here!


Things often tend to work out in the end… No need to worry about things before they even happen… What will come, hard or not, will pass again also
Glad you and the sheep have worked it out together :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thats not really the thing. I know it, even in the situation, I say it to me. But then, I don’t believe it. And I don’t tell it, like here:

With the satisfied, I really lied, to you and myself.
Afterward I can see clear and I see how closed up I am. But right in the situation, still fighting.


Just had dinner, still thinking if I should sleep or not. For now, watching my flatmate paint



20190425_170839 back at the hospital

I can relate to that :see_no_evil: annoying how our demons can be so convincing. You know it’s not true, but because the demons are so strong it feels like they are telling the truth. Take care of yourself hun :kissing_heart:

@hilaryfol what happened? :fearful: take it easy okay?

OT: really tired, getting ready for bed

Good night everyone

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Sending strenght! :muscle: :hugs:

Wide awake and up in 3 hours and 20 mins…going to do a bit of colouring then maybe read my book and see if that helps me sleep…

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At the airport, in serious need of coffee and a dryer… I just had a bottle of sparkling water explode all over me.

Update: Boarded plane, I’m not even joking, half of the passengers are kids aged 0-3 and they are ALL scream crying right now.


I didn’t sleep all damn night. I’ll try to get myself on my feet… so :shower: and coffee


Jacoby Shaddix is a firestarter. So jealouse Papa Roach is not coming to Holland!!! They give great shows :heart_eyes:


Omg, that’s the worst… :see_no_evil: sending strength and hugs :hugs: it’s only temporarily

Were you able to get some sleep? Hope you did :kissing_heart:

Sending strength your way :hugs:

@theearlywalker how are you holding up in the big move? We are there with you, don’t forget that :hugs: you can do it! The final step! :kissing_heart:

OT: The mornings are still the hardest part of the day. Even now with the knowledge that I’m going on vacation in 2 hours. But the thought of packing the final stuff and leaving do give a positive vibe :smiley: so today will definitly get better!

Hope everyone has an awesome Friday. Enjoy the start of the weekend :heart:


Sending strenght @evooba ! And have a safe travel! :hugs: :hugs:

OT: chores, then stiching

There’s needed headphones or earplugs :smile: Hope you hold on there :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning all and happy Friday!

@hilaryfol hoping everything is okay!! sending strength!!

@evooba hope you made it through the plane ride without being too annoyed! :fearful:
How long was the plane trip?

@theearlywalker hoping the move is going well! Still very excited for you!! :tada::smile:

Glad to hear your going on a vacation! I think you deserve one!
Sounds like you are winning this battle and staying positive for the most part, I’m very happy to hear that :smile:

It’s amazing how difficult it is to diagnose, I’m hopeful that someday soon we will know. 13 years thats both amazing but also crazy! I mean I can see how some can be about the same, I do remember they Drs talking about a few possible outcomes at a time.

I will for sure! Thank you for your support!

As well as everyone else thank you all so much!

OT: At work with my coffee, Excited for the weekend (mostly because of the Avengers movie). Still have to work for a while tomorrow but hey it’s money I guess can’t complain all that much haha