HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

You don’t need to thank me @StephLP18! I’m just glad I was able to help in some way. I hope I get a chance to meet you too! Relaxing sounds like a good plan. Loads of strength to you.

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Thank you :blush::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

And I love you anyway I hope you have a wonderful night

And will be home in about an hour


Yes! Thank you! :hugs: :heart:

Great job @AJ_7 ! :muscle: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face:

Nice you feel better @StephLP18 !!! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart:


Good to hear you’re doing better @StephLP18

Stay strong @birdy1989!

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To all IPhone users: you can download the Mike Shinoda Emojam’s now :heart_eyes:

Apperently it’s not for Android to download :thinking:

Maybe if you want them but you don’t have a way to get them… Maybe I can email them? Dunno, I’m willing to try

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Hang in there. You CAN do it :muscle::hugs:


There’s nothing like a midnight shoveling! I just came home from work and (since I was already outside) I decided to clean off at least the bottom of the driveway. It’s been snowing like a bastard for a few hours now and it’s supposed to continue for a few more, at least. At least it wasn’t the wet, heavy shit.


Good morning family - we made him proud yesterday- that’s a great feeling- sending strength to you all - we are strong :yellow_heart::hugs::muscle:t2::sunny:

I feel you…:muscle:t2::muscle:t2: great you already cleaned the ways- tomorrow morning it’ll be less due to this and I hope it stops soon! Imangine you now unwinding with Thurman - and eating dinner by the tv?! Lol- however- have a good goodnight :crescent_moon: then Andy @LP13413

Ot: :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops:


Dinner was 6 hours ago at work, haha. Have a great day!


Uuups :woman_facepalming:t2: Hahah and thank you - but :thinking: maybe a midnight snack?! :joy: sweet dreams :star:


Good morning everyone, just wanted to say your support really helps :blush: thank you for everything :pray:t2:
OT: just checked when my paperback “Learning Not To Drown” finally arrives. At first it should be delivered on the 21th of february. Then it said the 27th. And now it says May :scream: so I’m waiting for a respons from customer service…


@LP13413 nice work, shoveling in the middle of the night :muscle:t2: when you wake up you’ll be glad you did :wink:

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@StephLP18 I hope you are doing better today

@birdy1989 I hope this helps!

Have a great day everyone!


Customer service just told me too, thank you for showing this. Then I’ll just have to wait for May :hugs:
#putyournoseinpaperbacksinsteadofsmokingsigarettes :grin:I love paperback books :yellow_heart:


Hang in there guys @birdy1989 @StephLP18!

I’m on break at work. The weather’s finally back to normal which means I can have a quiet and calm day. My manager and I have planned to go out later and check the nearby places and compare with ours (we do it once every couple of months). We also got confirmation that we were (officially) accepted to attend the coffee festival next month! Exciting stuff :slight_smile:


Thank you. @AJ_7. @evooba


Really glad that everything is better now @birdy1989 @StephLP18!!! hope it continues to get better and better :blush: you two deserve to be happy! I don’t have experience with anxiety and depression, but i wish you all the best and send strength for you to be able to get past those feelings. be strong! we are here for you :heavy_heart_exclamation:

OT: starting work and hoping that the equipment finally works :joy:


@evooba @manypintas thank you :kissing_heart:

OT: my husband and I are on our way to the jewelry where we bought our wedding rings. I lost a lot of weight and I’m scared I’m going to loose my ring… :sweat_smile:


So much love in this thread. :heart_eyes:
I hope everyone is feeling good today.

OT: Having lunch at work, can’t wait to go home for a resting evening ! :blush: