HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Hay guys,

Hope everyone is doing well.

@birdy1989 it’s strange, but seeing a moment ago, that you send a post, just make me happy! You get your puppy! Great!!! Always being here for you! :heart: Keep on fighting! :muscle:

@MrCartoon welcome to this great place! Brazil? So cool! Or probably hot. Enjoy! :partying_face:

@hilaryfol stay strong! :muscle:

You too @alz89 :muscle:

@justinkilmer I’m jealous of a national doughnut day! :grin: :doughnut:

@framos1792 how is the heat doing? :sunny: (just looking for a reason to tag you :hugs:)

To all, have fun with your free time! :tada:
And to the working folks, you get through it! :muscle:

Worked on last corrections on my book.
Did a evening swimming with my one dog, the other one prefers to wait on shore.
And now watching Dawson’s Creek and hang around here. :hugs:


Thx by the welcoming


I started watching Cobra Kai this evening. Idk if anyone here knows it (or if it’s even popular in general). The past few weeks I’ve been flooded with advertisements about the show because I spend 8 hours of my day at work and much of that time I’m looking up music on Youtube, and I’ve just been seeing ad after ad for it because I don’t have adblock on my work PC. So over time it just got stuck in my mind xD

I’m on the 4th episode and enjoying it so far, seems to be well-made! Looking forward to see where it all goes.


It’s been a while but I’m back waiting at the hospital to get my bloods done…just a routine thing…


Hope everything is fine @alz89 ! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Welcome @MrCartoon ! :smile:

@anna834 sending you hugs! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hibiscus: :heart:

OT: just woke up :grin:


Good morning family :sunny: :sunny::sunny:Starting my day and I’m undecided if I should just stay in bed or if I move my lazy butt to get up and have some coffee- on the one hand … ( short insight into my head and the very important decisions I’m about to make atm… any suggestions? ) :joy::joy: lol

  • looks like I really have nothing to worry about atm after a lot of problems and issues… time to say thank youuuu all once again :blush::pray:t2: without the help and support of you guys it would have been almost impossible to get through everything the last half year- no need to tag anybody especially- you know whom I’m speaking about :hugs::yellow_heart: Thank you all :grin:

@birdy1989 stay strong- :muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart: happy you finally get the puppy and another proof how fast time goes by- feels like yesterday that you mentioned it for the first time…

@alz89 :hugs::muscle:t2:!

@lpfan61 Good morning dear - we miss youuu! :sunny::hugs::yellow_heart:

@anna834 well done :ok_hand:t2:, how is it going on now with your book?

Welcome to this wonderful place @MrCartoon and we have a lot of latin Americans here … maybe look here:

@justinkilmer that looks just super :yum: yum and I like the idea of a national :doughnut: day :joy:

Have a good Saturday everybody :sunny::sunny::sunny: And special hugs to @Fravaco today :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2: You ok?

Ot: :coffee: ( yup- the habit won ) aaaaand :bath:t2: this with music :notes: - can a day start in a better way?! :grin:

And since it’s late today, I wish you a good morning @lp13413 :sunny::sunny::sunny:


Awwww!! Thank you!! I miss you all too!! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :sun_with_face:
I’m glad to have free weekends for now (yes,my company works on weekends too :sweat_smile: ) :blush:

@Fravaco sending you lots of strenght and hugs! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :muscle: :hugs:


Aaaah you’re sweet for remembering me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::sweat_smile:
The heat died down for a few days until Monday :crazy_face: it’ll be our first official 100+*F day of the year so tooootally looking forward to it :joy:
Kind of in a distracted mood the past week or so :grimacing:
When can we expect to find your book in a store near us?! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: race @IronSoldier16 and see who prints first :yum::joy: how have you been?



Excuse me, sir? What do you mean? :unamused: jk :joy: I’m not interested in that, I’ll publish my book when I have all I need :money_with_wings:


Today was amazing. I’m very tired but it was worth it. I went to my work in the morning, had proper breakfast there with my friends, my manager joined us too. Then we went to central London and did some shopping (I might have went a bit overboard with the vinyls but they were on sale. And these are the only 5 out of the 15-20 I had picked).


Then we went for coffee and cake and later to a pub. I was really happy to see my friend, and spent some time with her.
Back to normal tomorrow, hoping for a fairly steady day. Monday is going to be tough.


Sounds good - happy you had a great day :grin: and lol- enjoy your vinyls- and we have a saying: you can’t owe too much vinyls… especially not when they’re on sale … :partying_face:


Watching I Am Mother on Netflix


How is that?
@evooba those are some great picks!
@birdy1989 how’s the puppy?!

I’m waiting for my nephew. He ditched me and is playing with a friend down the street. His mother is home.
We’re finally getting some beautiful weather! :tada::partying_face:


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: he ditched you too? :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Oh wait… you ditched uuuus :pensive::joy:


50 minutes past midnight, still ghost hour here. :ghost:
Best greetings to all of you! :hugs:

@theearlywalker always great to read long,
cheerful posts from you! :partying_face:
Its dangerous to ask me about my book. I can talk about it even more than sheep. :grin:
I have send the contract back a while ago and try to be patient, it will come back. In the contract is the deadline 30th of July to send the manuscript to the publisher. So I work now on the final polish. It’s my first book. I started writing it, when I was twelve. It sure went through a lots of changes over time. It is exciting that now is the moment to let my baby fly but also scary. :open_mouth: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:
In autumn a editor will look it over and it should be published in spring.
It’s the biggest dream I ever had. So @framos1792 it is all enough to see my book in the bookstore around my corner. :star_struck:

Enjoy this! :ocean:

@lpfan61 happy you have a good weekend! Hugs back! :hugs:

@anomalia the tag your it topic remembered me of the times you still were talking here. Miss this! Hope you stay strong neighbour and namesister! :muscle:

That of cause goes for all of you!
Stay strong! :muscle: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just watched the girl with all the gifts, a little zombie alternation to my teenage soup. And now I have LP live in Monterrey on while writing here.


Congratulaaations! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin: a dream come true after all your effort will surely be an awesome feeling :grin: wish you the best of luck :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I didn’t ditch anyone :frowning::astonished:


@anna834 sounds great! I didn’t know you started it at that age :o

Meanwhile, my day was pretty insane. Long story incoming.

As part of the application for that job I got invited to apply for I did a test today. They send you a test with some assignments at a scheduled time that you need to send back within an hour. It was insane, honestly. Quite possibly the craziest test I’ve ever done in my life.

I probably shouldn’t be putting this out here in public technically speaking, but… this seems like a closed enough space where it won’t do harm. I never would have been able to do that test if I just got sent it today and had to do it in an hour. In the current situation I might pass it, but only because I kind of ‘cheated’. Thing is, a few weeks ago I got invited to apply for a different job by a different company (all in the same industry), and they sent me a test too. I saw within 20 minutes that I was completely flunking it so I sent them a mail saying so, and that I was stepping out from applying (job offer wasn’t that attractive anyways).

A few days ago I had my interview with the company of the current application, and the woman briefly told me what the first assignment on the test would be like. And I realised that it was the same type of assignment on the other test. So what I did, since the other test was so crazy, is a few hours before the test I worked for nearly 2 hours to “do” the test I was sent a few weeks back, just so I’d really understand how it all works. I figured it was kind of cheating since I assumed today’s test would be very similar, but I’m not so good with just doing something entirely new on the spot like that. I thought I could do the job if I had some time to get into it, so I thought some practice wouldn’t harm anyone.

And my test today? Exact same test. Not just the questions; no, also with the exact same TV-shows and films as the other one (it’s a job in the entertainment industry). So I basically had 3/4ths of the test complete before ever starting! And you know what? I still only barely got it back to them in time, after an hour. I don’t understand how anybody could possibly complete that test within the hour they give you, honestly :V

As I said I’m not good at just doing new things off the fly, but this wasn’t even that new to me anymore and it was still the craziest test in my life. It just involved doing so much research and there was a lot to figure out, and I had to do several assignments…

So now I’m in an interesting position where, even if I get the results back in 1 or 2 weeks and I passed, I still don’t really know if I could do the actual work. Since I was thinking of leaving Ireland fairly soon to go find a job back in my home country of The Netherlands, I might be willing to take the risk since, if I have to quit, it wouldn’t interfere with my plans much (but ideally I’d keep this job for a while to save up a decent amount of money). But I also have a holiday planned with my best friend who’s coming to Ireland in about 6 weeks, so I can’t get fired and be forced to leave the country before then :sweat_smile:

Crazy stuff happening…


:exploding_head: well, good luck! Hope you find your way soon! :muscle: :hugs: :hugs:


Sounds great and exciting! :partying_face:

Don’t break your head (in English is that a used term?) about this test!
You done it. Period! :muscle:
In the end, its mostly about getting a job done effective and properly. Not the fastest. So I will never understand this clocked tests. It says nothing about peoples quality in a long run. And weed out good people who the company could be happy to have.
But this system starts with school, and doesn’t change. :unamused:
So don’t be afraid! You are qualified! :star_struck: