Have you ever..?

Noooo, I wanna hear other people’s’ stuff lol that’s why I share mine, to get the ball rolling :crazy_face:

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But mine is so boring.
Never got convicted, just minor crimes too, never was in prison, never any broken ribs, never broken anything at all, never was in a fight, never got beaten up.
Ok, yes, I say sorry everytime someone bumps into me and I have sure baked hundreds of birthday cakes.

HYE killed an animal, bigger then an insect? :smiling_imp:

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Never. :triumph: I am a friend to animals :ram:

HYE ran a marathon?

You need to read, mate. :joy:


HYE accidentally coughed tabasco into your nose? :joy:

No! Haha

HYE fallen down the stairs?

I think this was skipped. I’ve never been in a fight.

I’ve come close a couple times, but no.

Have you ever cheated on an exam?

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I had it in my to long an answer. :grin:

Once, in school. Did it so clumsy, that I got busted. :laughing:

HYE got a topic closed :sunglasses:

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I closed the last chat room thread because I got the 10k post. :triumph:

HYE painted your room?

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Define cheating. If you mean smuggling in encrypted formulae on the side of my pen, yes :joy:. Though frankly, if it was easier for me to devise my own encryption system for the formulae in an exam (rather than just learning them), it really tells you something about the exam.

By myself? No.

HYE been up more than 24h?

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Have you ever been fired from a job?


HYE got a race?


Have you ever flashed a stranger?

If we have the same understanding for this, then no. Not even to someone I know.

HYE been flashed by a stranger?

I can’t say that I have either.

Have you ever shot a gun?

I have. Luckily he kept his underpants. But I was tending sheep in the middle of nowhere, couldn’t go and he just stand there and watched. :nauseated_face:

No. Not a thing to do here. But in that moment I probably wished :laughing:

HYE needed self defence?

Middle school was rough, and there were moments I could have used it, but my mom did put me in a Hup Kwon Do class when I was about nine. It only lasted a year, though.

Have you ever had food poisoning?

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Oh my, that’s so sad! :hugs:

This is just insane! Haha. I don’t think it’s illegal until you’re over 16.

Anyway, I’ve probably had food poisoning, but I was ill anyway so I don’t know if it was food related. Yuck.

Have you ever been lost and really thought you’d never find where you needed to go?

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I thought it was 13?

Yes to the first part, no to the second.

HYE gotten lost by following google maps or something similar despite knowing exactly where you’re meant to be going and despite your better judgment?

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HYE played In The End in a keyboard?

Not the full song but I can do the opening

HYE burnt your toast but were too lazy to remake it so you ate it anyway?