Have you ever..?

Hell no :joy:

HYE horrified someone with something you thought was completely normal?

Hey, we all know that batmouse is our convict :crazy_face:

All the time.
That’s actually one reason I like it here so much. More strangely weird people! :star_struck:

HYE wished Happy New Year to different people on different time zones one after another?

I have lol
When I was 2 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m being honest too lol

A stump one in high school but not a functional one in my adult life lol
I got hired on spot :grimacing:


2 yrs old? :roll_eyes:

Yep today :joy:

HYE eaten a non edible thing?

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I tend to get rejected on the spot. Then there was that company that rejected me for two different positions at the same time a day or two after applying. I think they saw me as a national security liabillity more than anything. They were a military aerospace contractor. :rofl:


HYE crashed a party?


I even hate entering a party, I’m invited to.

HYE had a hangover?

Lmao nah :joy:

HYE baked a birthday cake?


HYE been in a submarine?

Yes to birthday cake, no to submarine.

Have you ever given up your seat for someone more in need of it?

Regularly as I’m usually one of the only people not buried in my phone.

HYE sworn at and berated a teacher in front of your whole class? :joy:

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What was it :grin:

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Never swore at my teachers or anyone really for that matter. I use bad language for dramatic effect not insult :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you ever had someone bump into you and you apologised to them? (Always!)

All the time!!

HYE played spin the bottle?

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Yes, but without kissing… It was like truth or dare style :confused:

Have you ever lost something and gone completely nuts only to find it later on?

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:joy: someone’s super disappointed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Absolutely, seems the natural way, find things when you don’t need them then flip out knowing you’ve seen it but can’t remember where…

Have you ever commuted a crime? :face_with_monocle: lol

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Yes, several minor ones. lol

HYE been in a physical fight in school?

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In school, never got real,
Outside of school-a few months ago at a kids football game :joy:

@the_termin8r May we hear more? :joy::joy: jk

Hye been beat up by a girl? :joy::joy:

I’ve pirated music (who hasn’t?), watched films ilegally, burned my music onto CDs (that’s illegal over here) and as a kid nicked the toy from those shoes they used to sell with the hidden compartments. :joy:

:man_facepalming: I was hoping for something really up there like animal cruelty for having eaten a raw squirrel at the park in public lol

Ah speaking of,

Yes lol in Mexico, my dad was in there for a bit and I stayed with him lol I was locked up for a few days :roll_eyes:


Ja, ja.
You win this.
Stayed in prison as a two year old.
Getting drunk way to early.
Get ribs broken at a kids football game.
And, if the distance weren’t so big, probably get beaten up by a girl too. (Not talking about me :laughing:, jet)

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