Yes by a BB gun!!
HYE fallen asleep before midnight on NYE?
Yes by a BB gun!!
HYE fallen asleep before midnight on NYE?
When I was, like, four.
Have you ever slept under the stars (no tent, shelter etc.)?
Nah. Never slept outside.
HYE gone swimming in an ocean?
I have slept outside under the stars and swum in the Atlantic ocean, northern sea and baltic sea. Just the one opportunity to swim in the Pacific ocean I skipped, to cold a day, but my dog did
HYE been really drunk on new years eve?
HYE accidentally woken up the whole house in the middle of the night?
Are you drunk now? So much mistakes
And yes, I have
HYE chat to weird late night, early in the morning hours on the net?
No, I was thinking one thing and typing another.
HYE lied on your CV?
Never had a cv
Have you ever been to jail?
Lmao. I honestly want to know if anyone on here has been to jail
HYE driven or riden in a motorcycle?
You’ve never made a resume?
This, didn’t they force you in high school?
HYE had a laughing fit for no obvious reason?
Yes, probably more than once.
HYE sang karaoke?
Hell no
HYE horrified someone with something you thought was completely normal?
Hey, we all know that batmouse is our convict
All the time.
That’s actually one reason I like it here so much. More strangely weird people!
HYE wished Happy New Year to different people on different time zones one after another?
I have lol
When I was 2 I’m being honest too lol
A stump one in high school but not a functional one in my adult life lol
I got hired on spot
2 yrs old?
Yep today
HYE eaten a non edible thing?
I tend to get rejected on the spot. Then there was that company that rejected me for two different positions at the same time a day or two after applying. I think they saw me as a national security liabillity more than anything. They were a military aerospace contractor.
HYE crashed a party?
I even hate entering a party, I’m invited to.
HYE had a hangover?
Lmao nah
HYE baked a birthday cake?
HYE been in a submarine?