Go home, you're drunk!

Why did ytou do that?

Type: Because I’m bad and I like killing innocent creatures for fun

Becajse I am bad and I lkke killing inno ent creatures for dun

Ohoo… After a long time it was so correct…

Type: yeah I love to kill them, it’s kinda my hobby

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yeah I live yo kill them, it’s kinda my gobbu
(hahaha what the hell is “gobbu”?)

Type: What a weird hobby you have

Wjag wjerd bibby do you ja e??

Ah! Not even single word correct

Type: thats nothing… Just I am teased by brother for playing NFS. He says thats game for boys. -_-

1 Like

thats nothing… Just I am teased by brother for playing NFS. He says thats game for boys. -_-

Type: Maybe I should type with one hand behind my back…

Matce U sgkykf tyod euth ibd habd vehibd ny vach

Not even close!!!

1 Like

LOL, this looks like me typing with my hands shifted one key right on the keyboard :laughing:

What should we type next? :slight_smile:

The "not even close " :slight_smile:

Not even close!!!

Type: Give me something more challenging!!

Give me somethibg more challenging!

Type: Mike Shinoda is a rap god!

Mike shinoda is a rap gos

Ohoo just the last word!

Type: mike shinoda is a great artist .

Mike shinoda is a great artist
Hell yeah!

Type: I am sitting on the couch listening to the music

I am sutting on the couch listenjnf tk the music

Still not so good. Cause of android…

Type: I had a haircut today

I had a haircut today

Type: How can you type this on Android?? O_o

How can k rype on rhis andrkjs

Really big qs… How???

Type: laptops are really better


laptops are really better

Type: Yes, they are because you feel the keys under your fingers!

Yea rhwy aee becajew tkt feel rge keys under tktr fingers

Type: Go home you’re drunk

(your sentences are so funny :laughing:)

Go home you’re drunk

Type: I’m not drunk, I just suck at typing :smiley:

I am not dtimm I am just sjck rylknf

Lol…no sense

Type: I type everything nonsense

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: sorry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I type everything nonsense

Type: No you don’t just a majority of words