Go home, you're drunk!

Except the fact that i can type just fine without looking ughhhhh lame

How do you play this game. because i want to play.

You try to type every sentence without looking at your keyboard. Yes, this was withouth looking.

Oh, and don’t delete your mistakes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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im not deleting my mistakes

i am too good at this game i reakky wanna mess up << yay i messed up

I amdm opthrjos ogozb Atnpbm rtbm << yay I meesed ip

Just type this sentence right here, this exact one and feel free to try it yourself.

i almost fell out of my chair :joy:
just type this sentence right here, this exact one and feel free to try it yourself

sugarrrrrrrr who can believe you, can believe you?

i tried :frowning:

sugarrrr who cad bjmmgb[ b;eibre you, owe ib?
i teriencf :frowning:

I could blame it on my bloody thumb, I have no idea why typing like a drunk is so much fun!

it’s very entertaining lmao xD
i only mess up when i forget how to spell something .-.
Yes. blame the thumb. it’s the grater’s fault xc hope it feels better soon

Yes ane tbe yhgunb yjd yjr htrsyrtdcsgmt bc it ftkkd bryyrt dkkn (what?)

Type: I feel like i can reach the stars…

OK so can u just say random things on here.

Yeah, i think so. Hahah.

No you can’t. @coolcat96 remember when I challenged you to a drawing duel? Remember what my two rules was and especially on the threads I made. Read the first page or don’t post at all.

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Hello young fluffy, don’t mind the forum troll, she’s been with the lpu for quite awhile and likes to troll people. If you read the top post then you can get what you have to do. It’s pretty simple.

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OK @intheend don’t have to be so harsh about it lol. :grinning:

Not cool! @intheend I’m am not a forum troll.

It’s not being harsh, just remember

I de mine I dan r edge the dtetd

Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Type: Ok so people try to do this on a computer, since if you do it on a phone it will most likely autocorrect.

ok so ueasokw tyr todo thos on w compeu45, sijnce if yh do it pm a phm oe aolll most likel5 auotcoeyy

Type: Do you love fish cakes

I’m on my phone but the autocorrect option is off… Hahah.

Do goy livr cjdvxabdd! (wew.)

@amscon Make your own sentence for someone’s turn…

Ay sorry, hahah.

Okay, type: I think I saw someone standing there…