Go home, you're drunk!

paperwork or papercut?

if somrinr deres me oudt inyhie yiois ,they;kk suerky kichj me uo in an astkynb
type; what language im writing?

What ingrate ukbrutthfb ?
Type: v(con)=1/3pr^2 x h

v’_cinP =1/3^axd
type: teachers sucks sometimes

tiw frhugbos n aew t

Type: Cheers! Have yourself another one!

have yoirdfel ahmlthdvr one!

lol hey :joy:

type: what a warm welcome : P

what a waen ewjcine ;o
type: today i’m very happy

hard stuff to type morningtimes lol

ftrofsc i sn gdxjjc hsjjx

type: oh my god watta mess :rolling_eyes:

oh my gid ehsr s mrff
type: i almost got it

i almeyg nlz kg


type:you get the goal?

hey sunshine @yolo5494

you ffet tjhe fsik

how are you @theearlywalker
type: whats that language

Smile when it hurts it works like mother’s medicine << I know my keyboard too well :sob:

Smile whr brtso n sbnion ,pther mr-[b nb << I know my keyboard too wel;erle

Type: Wow, that looks a little mental, doesn’t it?

I laughed a bit too much at that :joy: it’s beautiful


Thank you :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re welcome :stuck_out_tongue::laughing:

wow, that looks a little mental. doesn’t t
lol, almost
type" this thread keeps dying and resurrecting again

Rhia rewad keeps dopehgb and rezutr agaom

Type: This thread is like Mad Max.

Thisntresd indg lime mag nac

type: some things will never change, lol

sinr tgbnh will never chandbg, lol

Type: Would you like some sugar with that?