Go home, you're drunk!

you make me laugh…!

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No, just interpreting what was already from the web into English so that everyone can comprehend.

? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

type: I’m lost in doubblebinds

I’m lodt in doubblrbibds

Type: Damn son, where do you find these?

Da,n sin ,z whrtr so xou finf thexe?

type: Man, they fund me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (withemoji)

man rjey fumd me (eitgemogi)

Type: No, they still owe me money.

No they still own me moneu

Aw, so close… Almost…

One time only, try to type: this backwards with your eyes closed.

desolc sete htie sdraekcab soht

thos backeards eith etes closed

Not bad, i expected worse

type: no more of this reverse stuff

Aha haaa!!! Very funny man! Entre personnes intelligentes et cultivées indeed.:wink: But asinine too lol

No more of this reverce sfuffy

Type: your favorite Linkin Park song.

your faorite linkin park song

Type: take me to your leader

taje mr ti yiur leafer

Type: Oh God! Run faster!

Ott god ! Run Ratte€

Type: you have To Run Even faster…

You have to rim eveb faster

Type: Are you chasing Pokemon?

Are yuu chasing Pokemon?

Type: I think I’m feeling my eyes twitch because of all the Weedles…

I think I;m feelomf my eyes twotch becaise of all the Weefles

Type: I write faster than I type.

I wrote faster than I rtpe

type: fast faster fastest

Fast faster fastest

Type: Typing with a typewriter must be awful

Typing with a typewrite rmust be awful

type: It is actually quite fun to write white a typewriter, as long your fingers don’t get stuck… :stuck_out_tongue:

It is axtually quiew fun to wrote witj a tupewroter, so long youe fingers dom;t get stivk

Type: Your finger won’t get stuck, but your typewriter might get jammed.