Get Inspired! The LPU friends and support

I’m good. Got my mums birthday at the end of this week so looking forward to it.


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted bc of trying to take care of me and be a caregiver to my mum all the while raising my special needs daughter. I can usually compartmentalize but the family around me behaviors have literally gone off the rails, sending my PTSD into overdrive. I don’t have any suicidal tendencies it’s just the other than symptoms triggered by my PTSD. I’m planning to see Mike’s show in October as a treat and “me” time from the daily grind. I wish I had better news today but I do appreciate the support.:heart:


I have been so sad and not myself lately because of my son still in the hospital . Yes he doing good. But I feel lose at Times and I know he doing good. I feel like I can do more.

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Hiw was it! :smiley: Sorry i couldn’t be there. Here a happy belated birthday cake! :cake::sparkles::two_hearts:

@satorinyc it’s alright… things will settke dowj soon don’t worry. You’ve always got our back :hugs::hugs: stay strong! Life is amazing

@hilaryfol that’s normal mom cases you know. When the child is even a lil ill… moms get tensed. That seems a big prob but what happened to your child? Here have a warm hug. :hugs: Nothing is happening to him… he’ll be fine soon and again playing with you like before ! :wink:


Wow, someone’s been busy :smiley: thanks @danni1317 :smiley: :hugs:



:blush::blush::blue_heart::yum: anytime!! Hehehe


How are you @danni1317? It’s been a while since we have seen you on here

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I know things are crazy, work takes alot out of me…

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Stay strong @danni1317 , I think of you every day :hugs:

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Hey dear @mish3lka :hugs: thinking about you and baby-soldier every day too :heart_eyes:- are you enjoying the last days of summer? And happy to hear you’re ok @danni1317 nice you showed up :hugs: and thanx for the love you shared :yellow_heart:


This message is for everyone…

To everyone who is affected by Hurricane Florence, I wish you all luck and I hope you find somewhere safe! Sending hugs! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


This! Sending strength to anyone who’s affected!


Omg I have NO time at all, I miss you guys! AND I missed so many @acemasters’s battles!!! :’(

But yes, I’m enjoying motherhood, 24/7 :slight_smile:


Hello dear!! Nice you showed up!! Enjoy every seconds of being mum!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: Give baby Laura a sweeeet warm sunshiny hug with kiss! :heart: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :kissing_heart:

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Delivered! :smiley: :hugs:

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:heart_eyes: deliver another! :smiley::joy:
Please :innocent::joy: I’m late :grin:


Going though my depression and is gotten bad i see that i haven’t been eating much and i think it because of everything has been happening so fast with me . I feel that i need to lose weight and i helping everyone else i stopped helping myself.


Sending you strength @hilaryfol and sure it’s just the moment that makes you feel this desperate and sad- Important is you made this conclusion now- it’s the first step of the change :muscle:t2::hugs:

Happy you came around and that you brought only good news about baby soldier- I’m so happy all goes good for your lil family @mish3lka :kissing_heart:

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Sending strength @hilaryfol !! big hugs to you!! :hugs: :hugs: :muscle: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: Remenber “we are the change”, you have the power to fight! Don’t give up! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Sending you strength @hilaryfol ! If you think that, just take (even a little) time for taking care of yourself. :hugs: A good sleep night, a good movie, a warm bath/shower… whatever you can enjoy. :blush: