Gaming time - the riddle -

No. You go.
I don’t know any riddles.
And still working, fighting a cold.
You are on spring break, so no excuses.

Nobody does. We all use google.


There is a pond with one flower.
The flower replicats it self every day.
It needs 49 days, till the whole pond is covered with flowers.
At witch day is half the pond covered?


48 days


yo, that’s gotta be some kinda record on here for fastest time to solve a riddle

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Yeah! For all the people still thinking, the governments are overreacting. :laughing:

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a secret message encoded in the riddle…clever :face_with_monocle:

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I read it in an virus spreading explanation, just for visualising

Your turn, by the way

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@jrtrussell @jrtrussell @framos1792 made me poking queen :point_right:
@jrtrussell @jrtrussell @jrtrussell @jrtrussell @jrtrussell @jrtrussell @jrtrussell



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@jrtrussell really :expressionless:

between you and @anna834 now we know why the forum is quieter than a famished lion stalking its prey from a patch of dry yellow grass on the savannah

Y’all really show up once in a blue moon and complain about me never showing up


well we dont have a game stalled, do we?
please bro, i dont want to hear more of @IronSoldier16’s threats

I am colored red, blue, and yellow and every other hue of the rainbow. I am thick and thin, short and tall, I can eat a hundred sheep in a row and still be hungry. What am I?

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lol saphira, what are you doing here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

:broken_heart: :cry: :walking_man:

lmao you really gonna say we should encourage your threats? :skull_and_crossbones:

Aye. They’re good books. Rereading them now and just started Inheritance.

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No, just posting random emojis…