Gaming time - the riddle -

No, no, I’m the idiot. Wasn’t paying attention to the thread. :man_facepalming:

Ok, no problem! (and by the way you’re not an idiot :yum:)

He’s not an idiot…just a dork wanting to answer a riddle by solving it full on schoolboy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy: jk bro

I have learned my lesson from @gatsie so ill first guess the number it takes is however many you count until the glass fills up :grimacing: :man_shrugging:

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No, this is not the solution. :blush:

Oh lol I just got it, it’s an EMPTY glass :grin:

So? How many drops fit into an empty glass? :grin:

(need a number)

Oh zero hehe :grin:


Sorry, it’s not that. :joy::hugs: (I love the baby)

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Give me a minute:

I’m tryna keep the baby theme going :stuck_out_tongue:


If you put one in then it’s not empty? One?


Now if you’ll excuse me, I must delete some baby pictures off my phone before people think I’m weird or a baby kidnapper or worse :hushed:


Congratulations, you got it!
Now, it’s your turn. :baby:

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Back to my happy dance dance :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good day at work!

Let’s see…
A man checks into a hotel on one of his trips. That evening he goes to bed but he doesn’t fall asleep. Late at night, frustrated, he makes a call. He doesn’t say a single word while on the phone and hangs up. Soon after he is able to go to sleep. Who did he call?

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Thank you! Goodnight for you!

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The insomnia hotline where it just plays soothing music? :joy:

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Lol might have worked but no, he was barely on phone for a few seconds

Maybe it was coincidence, he was going to make a call, but then felt himself fall asleep?

Non, he called someone specifically to be able to finally get his sleep

Maybe he thought that he had lost his cell phone, so he called himself with the phone of the hotel and finally heard the sound of his cellphone in his bag. So he felt relieved and he fell asleep.

Nope nope… a clue? Let’s say it was a very cheap hotel, its why he’s more bothered by what’s bothering him not letting him fall asleep

The people in the next room making too much “noise” (if you catch my drift :stuck_out_tongue: )?

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