Gaming time - the riddle -

The doctor is the grandfather, right @yolo5494 ?

I’ve heard this one before, I’m pretty sure it was the mother. I said birth father because I was too stupid to say mother :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok, but you can go next. :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG of course! Now I feel stupid lol. Ok you go! :stuck_out_tongue:

My glass is both 50% full and 100% full at the same time, how is that possible?

There’s oil and water in the glass,
The glass is 50% full of oil but the other 50% is water?

Close enough, I was thinking water and air.

I got creative haha

Bacteria is placed in a dish at 12 am and replicates and doubles every minute, if at 12 pm the bacteria reaches a count of two million, at what time was the count at one million?

Easy one

At 11:59 pm

That’s correct
Go ahead

Mary’s father has 5 daughters. If four of their names are nana, nene, nini, and nono, what is the fifth daughter’s name?

Nunu! :joy: what do I win? :rofl:

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Oh noooo I’m sorry but you don’t win anything because you were WRONGGGGG MUAHAHHA


:flushed: :scream: whyyyyyy?? :frowning: ok… :exploding_head:

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Lol it’s an easy one :grin:


I’m really idiot… :see_no_evil: Mary

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No you’re not! But yes it’s Mary :laughing:

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Yay! :joy: thanx :hugs:

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I have an easy one! :crazy_face:

I have teeth, but I don’t bite…who am I?

A comb! Maybe?

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