Gaming time - the riddle -

Getting closer, but how does a steak die 3 times?
step one and two
and here step three in a political correct graphic!


now I’m hungry

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come on the plug I wanna hug! @gatsie :*

Sorry I was out yesterday

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Ok, I’ll give the answer since nobody is guessing.

The answer was Smashed Bacon Man.

-He was alive when he was still a pig, and then he got killed.
-Then he was alive as a regular bacon man when he tried to beat an escape from the pan and was killed when he tripped up and got smashed.
-And then he came back to life as a very short lived fad because he got smashed and then died and was never revived when his 15 mins (literally :stuck_out_tongue: ) of fame were up.

@theearlywalker you go next, you were closest with a steak.


:thinking: I ever suggested our thinking not sooo diverse, bot! @the_termin8r

I have to guess something that forces YOU …

A man found dead on a Sunday morning. His wife calls the police immediately. The police question the wife and staff. The wife said she was asleep, the cook said he was cooking breakfast, the gardener said she was picking vegetables, the butler said he was cleaning the closet, and the maid said she was getting the post. The police immediately arrested the murderer.Who was the murderer?

Both the butler and the maid, they both killed him and in the rush to look innocent they ended up doing each other’s jobs.

near but not light! (right)

The wife? How could she call the police if she said she was asleep?

nopie :wink: you were closer before… :stuck_out_tongue:

It was the maid because there is no mail on Sunday?

ya googled this… or not? Clever then… you go my friend :slight_smile: @the_termin8r

No I promise I didn’t. I don’t know how I didn’t spot it sooner. I was probably busy over thinking it.

I’m in a place where there is sunlight during the night and yet it’s dark, where do I live?

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on the moon?


In the shadows

No <asdfghj,>

in the ocean? or universe? lol
