Gaming time - the riddle -

Rob did it again, lol it´s up to you Buddie…:stuck_out_tongue: it´s the drain to pull…lol

Lol, so it wasn’t the claculations :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s an easy one:

In a round house there is a man sleeping in his room, a woman cooking in the kitchen and a girl crying in a corner, what’s wrong with this scenario?

there is no corner lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep, told you it was easy.

too easy…so ok::easy one:

it is red, may be sweet or sour, may be you like it or not: it is helping you falling asleep…

A cough syrup that makes you drowsy.

Wine :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn it, only now do I realize that she is addicted to wine (remember the proseco?)

More specifically, the answer is red wine.

BLOODY RED WINE the addicted drinks four liter this ev…and you Samuel? Will ya join in @gatsie, I bring two bottles U2?

@samuel_the_leader you go, gatsies riddls are too tough [aka 9 days etc…]

Here’s one with an unrealistic and far fetched -ish answer.

A man somehow comes into contact with some kind of lethal disease and washes his hands immediately. However, several hours later he dies of the exact disease he came into contact with. How? Also the disease is only transmitted through direct contact.

Earphones: Can we trade? Yours for mine and mine for yours. Guess what modifications there are to it that make sure it won’t slip out of your ear?

Is this a riddle or a question. Are they once with the band thing that goes behind your earls like a bluetooth?

Elaborate on that. (Show pic if necessary)

My ears are too small for these things. I prefer headphones :slight_smile:

Is it ebola?

Yup, those things protruding out are hideous; I hate them so much.

No, it’s just some disease, it remains nameless for the sake of the riddle and because it’s most likely not real.

Uh ok then.

Then he simply died because he was already dying due to the mysterious scifi lethal disease he was infected with.


I think Gatsie meant that (via contact) the disease infects immediately, so washing immediately (can’t possibly be more immediate than the disease) is futile. The best bet is to never allow contact at all.