Gaming time - the riddle -

Is it you?

Oh yeah, you get it with first clue, Rob, do you think Eva´s arrived right know? And how are you? Listened to MS Party playlist yet? @the_termin8r1

Bored as usual

Not yet, gonna listen to it tomorrow…

My turn:

-Comes in 3 main styles
-Most people don’t know/care much for them
-You most likely use it everyday

cmon over to tthe shoulder, its gatsie and me, with you besides we sure make the golden goal

Nope, sorry

Yeah, alone it was impossible…where´d you gone??? lol

Last night was New Year Eve party for real: just reaffirmed how terrible such celebrations really are :frowning:

This morning didn’t I mentioned I went for a walk?

Is it related to any sort of clothing @the_termin8r1?

No, though some (morons) would consider it fashion.

Is it headphones?

Yes, lol. Your turn. That clue just blew the whole thing wide open.

So what were the three types of headphones then?

In ear
On ear
Over ear

Those are the 3 main styles that come to mind

Hahaha, it did yes. Good one though…

Ok, so:

  • The come in many different sizes but are usually big, pretty big.
  • They have “needles” on them.
  • They can survive for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years.

is it a sequoia?

No, but you are on the right track, very very close.

A pine or some other kind of conifer?

Yeap, a pine tree. I guess that was an easy one lol.

-It’s outlived the dinos
-Can be big in size
-Very dangerous
