Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)



  1. the emergency ambulance was at the neighbours house last night

  2. they kept the sirenes on, 30 mins long :scream:

  3. I am waiting for an important call…

so go ahead guys!

Second right? Can’t be so long. :thinking:

yes you are absolutely right, :D, good combined… :stuck_out_tongue:so, YOU GO :joy:

Ok then

  1. MY previous previous one, I was wondering why nobody guessed the second one. The possessive pronoun ‘his’ in this sentence was actually referring to my father, not Trump. (This is what I intended)

  2. The people around me always like to use ambiguous pronouns when they talk about various subjects/topics in a conversation, hence I often miscomprehend which one they are talking about when the context in which they utilise the pronoun can be applied to more than one of the subjects/topics they have mentioned.

  3. It rained yesterday. :cloud_rain:

So any guesses? @theearlywalker

hopefully first one bout ya dad?

No, what I intended was that my father did have books with Trump University logo.
Try again.

second? the pronounces? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, pronouns.

Third was the lie, @gatsie goes.

1 I’m considering to get a real life chicken to keep in the yard
2 I’m looking for a bigger bookcase closet
3 The pigeons won’t eat in my yard

pidgeons and chicken! :grin: hahaha
going for second

No I really need another bookcase. :slight_smile:

lol sooo, @gatsie first? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I was considering to get a chicken in the yard but there are too many cats in the neighborhood. That’s why the pigeons won’t eat in the yard when I’m not home.

But you go anyway: @theearlywalker

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I feel victimized! :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. I am on a shopping trip - first of the year!

  2. I bought a pair of sneakers

  3. the sun is shining warm on my skin atm!


3rd one is the lie

(Read your mail @theearlywalker)


  1. I just had a rough stretch with pneumonia
  2. I just bought a pick up truck
  3. I just got to LA to watch lp on the late late show tomorrow :smile:

I’ll say number 3

You got me @coolcat96
You’re up


  1. I just came home from school.
  2. I’m watching TV
  3. I’m on my bed relaxing.