Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Number 1. You’re too old to go to school, obviously.

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Yeah you got that right. I made to easy.

See? So, if you’re not in school how come you always mention it? You’re obviously lying about your age and now everything makes sense.

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I am 20 what in gods name are you talking about. Right now. I’m in college.

Someone could go now.

I’ll go.

1 I dyed my hair
2 I have a day off today [This Tuesday]
3 I went skiing in Germany.

I think it’s 2

2 is true, I’ve been doing nothing special all day and I like it. Guess again.

the skiing

Yes! There was no snow so no skiing :slight_smile: Your turn @theearlywalker !

Haha @theearlywalker forced to get outta hiding.

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Ready guys?

  • leaving forum for turning back if the hype is over :no_mouth:

  • love to wake up each day and feel the nearness of my Buddies and Plush :stuck_out_tongue:

  • I am soooo saaaaad (:joy:)

Guess the obvious lie!

I’m guessing c

Yep! Go on coolcat!

The first one… I guess? :joy:

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@theearlywalker so it my turn


Lel. :joy:

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Lööööl :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

No one got the right answer? :joy: