Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Yup, nowadays the English texts I come across are all online, so I won’t be able to ‘physically’ add diacritics. (And like in other languages, one does not add diacritics where there is none, even though phonetically a diacritic may be need [those exceptions], so I never started a confusing habit [of having to differentiate imaginary diacritics from actual existent ones]) It’s your turn @thematrix1.

  1. I’m not a native English speaker
  2. I’ve been a fan of Linkin Park since they release Hybrid Theory
  3. I’m a woman

It’s so easy :wink:

I’m tempted to say the last but I’ll go with the second.

Right! I just know Linkin Park 5 years ago and be a big fan in 2015. @the_termin8r your turn

I’ve never fallen asleep during a film

Last night my dad told me to switch the wifi off, but I forgot and then I remembered about it at around 1am. So I went down stairs to switch the router off, but as I started to go down the stairs (in near pitch black) I tripped up and dropped the entire flight. I woke the whole house up :laughing:

WID was the first LP song I heard

Is it the second one?

Yeah. I can navigate my entire house in pitch black without walking into anything.

  • I went Pokemon hunting this morning.
  • I’m going again this evening with friends.
  • I managed to get all the paperwork I needed too.

Hopefully NOT the third …? I go for first! :smiley:

No, the first one is true.


No, it was the third one.

@Gatsie you go.

Yeah, I could see that coming but I didn’t want to be the victim :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Walked in the rain yesterday.

  2. I ate a whole pizza last night

  3. I’m sick.

The second?


@Gatsie so who is it?

2 so it’s @the_termin8r

My arm is a bit sore after my injection

I’ve nearly finished my lego car

Yesterday I got so angry with my sister that I burnt a deck of her playing cards :stuck_out_tongue:

second ( guess you’ll never finish…)