Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)


No. I’m 1 delivery of parts away. Ordered yesterday so they should come in about 2 weeks.

Yeah, your turn.

  1. I’m having my 2nd cup of coffee

  2. I just broke a nail :confused:

  3. I haven’t smoked a cigarette all morning

I’m not looking to go again, but I think I know which one it is, I’ll say either if it comes up as wrong or when it’s the next go.

third? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Actually I haven’t smoked at all yet :slight_smile: So no it’s not 3

lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

first one?

So @Gatsie who is it again?

Well go ahead @samuel_the_leader fire away

  1. A few nights ago, I thought it was 20.5°C outside at 10.30pm, but then I realised that the temperature was actually the thermostat setting (i.e. AC) for the vehicle I was in:

  2. My father acts like some xenophobic old man from the villages. I still cannot forget that day when he deliberately announced out loud (where there is a lot of Arabic people around) complaining that nowadays there are so many Muslims :man_with_turban: in our area. :confounded: Fortunately they didn’t seem to understand him/pretended not to care.
    The reason I used the description of “villager” is because I remembered a story from a teacher pertaining her experience of bringing an ethnically African man to visit her home village, only to be embarrassed for that person since all the elderly women in her village were staring strangely at him.

  3. Earlier today, there were two janitors chatting away and mostly obstructing the passageway of the gents’ toilet. As I was approaching the toilet, I overheard the janitors mentioning something about the police, so I got distracted and ironically darted in the opposite direction into the ladies’ toilet! :blush: I quickly realised my mistake, fortunately no one was in the ladies’, and quickly reversed course. :sweat: When I approached the janitors again (I thought I was going to be arrested :fearful:), they realised their mistake and quickly stood aside, allowing a clear path into the gents’. [I overheard something about selection of evidence, selecting evidence to frame people hmm :unamused: ]
    (Trivia: The hand dryer in the ladies’ was working, the hand dryer in the gents’ wasn’t ;P)

ladies clean their hands after peeing…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
and need to dry them up…

first I guess?

Wrong, try again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then I Choose Second One…

Correct, you go next. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • I just woke up
  • my bones are aching after the journey but I am so happy to be back at normal
  • right now I feel hungry

go ahead

First one?

1 Like

The second.

the third was the lie @NickGr you go, post two facts about you and one lie,we’ll guess what the lie is…

  1. My foot size is 46
  2. I’ve been to a few LP shows